Does porn destroy dopamine receptors?
No, or, at least, there is no evidence that it does.
The first problem with this is the source - obviously a site like "purityispossible.com" is going to have a moral agenda, and is going to be ...
Did 20% of US soldiers in Vietnam use heroin, 95% of whom quit afterwards?
Yes, the claims are approximately true.
From a 1976 study:
Two stages of Vietnam drug use are identified-a period of increasing marijuana use followed by the 1970 influx of highly potent heroin to ...
Did 20% of US soldiers in Vietnam use heroin, 95% of whom quit afterwards?
The first part of the statement is probably true.
The second part is highly misleading. What the actual paper of the time shows is that 5% of former addicts became re-addicted (basically meaning ...
Is Alcoholics Anonymous effective?
It's time to give an answer that is updated for 2018 (make that 2020):
The 2020 Cochrane Review of Alcoholics Anonymous shows a small but significant increase in full abstinence from alcohol using ...
Does porn destroy dopamine receptors?
Yes, it surely does. The more accurate term for this would be the downregulation of dopamine receptors. It might not be as extreme as, for instance, cocaine addiction, but watching porn does affect ...
Is addiction a disease?
Let's sidestep the primary question of whether addiction is a disease, and ask whether addiction may be cured by medicine.
Can addiction be cured by medicine?
The University of Penn Health ...
Does porn destroy dopamine receptors?
Some recent research not highlighted in the accepted answer backs it up even more, quoting a popsci summary of if:
In research invited for submission to the journal Socioaffective Neuroscience of ...
Only top scored, non community-wiki answers of a minimum length are eligible
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