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Are statistics in controversial Australian antigay posters true?

What the writings by Sullins say Invisible Victims: Delayed Onset Depression among Adults with Same-Sex Parents is available online: Retrospective questions at Waves III and IV asked about adult ...
tim's user avatar
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63 votes

Are obese patients in the US commonly sent to zoos for CT scans?

A 2011 literature review looked at the problem as it related to one particular condition: Difficulties in diagnosing pulmonary embolism in the obese patient: A literature review. They conclude that ...
Oddthinking's user avatar
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14 votes

Is Fructose the #1 source of obesity in the United States today?

Question: "Does the evidence support a strong causal relationship between (specifically) fructose consumption and obesity?" My answer: NO. Consideration 1: This question has arisen because of "...
Jan's user avatar
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11 votes

Is obesity contagious?

tl;dr, No. The effect is real and many lines of inquiry for the underlying causality have been proposed since the initial claim from the question. Since the causes and effects of both obesity ...
LangLаngС's user avatar
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10 votes

Are obese patients in the US commonly sent to zoos for CT scans?

There is anecdotal evidence to support the notion that some obese patients might have been referred to a zoo. Here is a recent NY Times article that explores the standard of care obese patients are ...
ventsyv's user avatar
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7 votes

Does weight loss from Ozempic come mainly from muscle and connectivity tissue loss?

The study linked in the question does not back up Rogan's claims from the quote. Two cohorts were mentioned, and both showed ~40% of weight loss was lean mass. This is higher than the ideal 25%, but ...
antlersoft's user avatar
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7 votes

Is diet soda making older people fat?

Diet soda refers to a calorie-free carbonated beverage sweetened by artificial sweeteners. The current evidence does not provide a proof that diet soda causes weight gain, but the main points are: ...
Jan's user avatar
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7 votes

Is obesity causing diabetes and other illness, and not just correlated with?

It's not completely clear from your question whether you want to know if obesity causes illnesses, or you want to know if diet causes illnesses even after controlling for obesity. I'm going to assume ...
John Doucette's user avatar
4 votes

Do obese adults use 42% more health care than healthy-weight adults?

According to The Healthcare Costs of Obesity, copyright Robert Wood Johnson Foundation: •Obese adults spend 42 percent more on direct healthcare costs than adults who are a healthy weight. [reference ...
DavePhD's user avatar
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4 votes

Are statistics in controversial Australian antigay posters true?

You have to be very careful reading studies as shown - many of them conflate the nuclear family with everything other than the nuclear family, including single parents, and make the conclusion that ...
David M's user avatar
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4 votes

Is diet soda making older people fat?

Yes. As long as the diet soda is still a sweetened beverage containing artificial (ie non-caloric) sweetener, then they do help make people fat. Regardless of age. That is, as a tendency: eat more. ...
LangLаngС's user avatar
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3 votes

Does a high BMI increase COVID-19’s severity?

Overall, yes the current literature supports the statement that a high BMI increases the severity of COVID-19 but it is not without opposing data, even in some of the supporting literature. In Kim, et ...
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