Are these UFOs on the videos released by the Pentagon still unidentified?
The difficulty with the question is "What does it mean to be identified?"
These video were declassified in 2017 (they were already public), and explanations for them were quickly identified.
Is this a credible video footage of an unidentified flying object or unidentified aerial phenomena?
It appears that the report is largely true. CEFAA is an actual department within DGAC, the Chilean agency that regulates aviation.
After some digging I found the official release which did assign a ...
Are these UFOs on the videos released by the Pentagon still unidentified?
No, these objects and others like it have not been identified.
Joseph Gradisher, spokesman for office of the deputy chief of naval operations for information warfare said
We want to get to the ...
Was Air Force sergeant Jonathan Lovette abducted in 1956 by a UFO and left mutilated?
In a word, no - there is no independent verification of this story. Every account I can find ultimately cites back to a single source, the claims of William English.
Some background: Project Grudge, ...
Is this video authentic footage from 1952 Washington DC?
The Facebook account, UFO of Interest traced the source of this video, and include a snippet.
Despite it was explained as a digital animation, this video (here's the full sequence) was often ...
Is this an authentic image of a UFO sighting in Canary Islands (1976)?
This Spanish language article contains more information about the missile launches, including this image of entries in a database of launches (see poseidon launches only here) compiled by ...
Have there been any credible reports of unidentified flying objects?
Yes, the US Government has publicly acknowledged the sightings of "unidentified aerial phenomena", but did not speculate on what they were.
The US Navy publicly stated on September 11, 2019 ...
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