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103 votes

Did the maps for services such as Snapchat, CitiBike and StreetEasy label New York City as “Jewtropolis” for a brief amount of time?

Yes, those companies(and others) showed New York as 'Jewtropolis' for about an hour due to a malicious edit of third-party mapping software that those companies use. Mapbox is a provider of niche ...
Giter's user avatar
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62 votes

Did 17 U.S. intelligence agencies claim that Russia was behind the DNC hack?

There are two questions here: Are there 17 US intelligence agencies? Yes. From the home page of the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI) (emphasis mine): The U.S. Intelligence ...
David Hammen's user avatar
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18 votes

Did the New York Post publish authentic email correspondence of Hunter Biden?

I don't know if all of the NY-Post-published emails are among those, but according to a WaPo investigation (published on March 30), a number of interesting emails from the cache carried cryptographic ...
days of love iff good genes's user avatar
15 votes

Did the New York Post publish authentic email correspondence of Hunter Biden?

Unproven, as of 10/19/2020. There is no reliable proof either way whether these emails are authentic. At best, these emails fit with established theory - either that Biden was corrupt, or that Russia ...
bharring's user avatar
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14 votes

Do the "Presidential Alerts" give the government full access to all phone functionality?

The presidential alerts are part of a bigger system that also includes AMBER alerts and alerts for bad weather and "other threatening emergencies". These alerts are called Wireless Emergency Alerts (...
Laurel's user avatar
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12 votes

Did Russian hackers beat slot machines with an app?

You question, as currently worded, is more of a physiological question. Can human respond to a stimuli in a quarter of a second? Yes. From this journal article is appears that the mean is around ...
RomaH's user avatar
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11 votes

Was John Podesta's email password "password"?

(With analysis thanks to Oddthinking) Assange seems to refer to this leaked email from Podesta's assistant Eryn Sapp to him, which contained an username and password for him to use. (This was not ...
Avery's user avatar
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7 votes

Was John Podesta's email password "password"?

The current accepted answer has a number of errors, so I'm creating this answer. Thanks to comments by Avery and Oddthinking for some resources. The source of this claim is apparently a Fox News ...
Batman's user avatar
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7 votes

Could the Nokia 1100 be hacked to sniff SMS messages intended for third parties?

TL;DR answer: It seems like Nokia 1100 made it easier to spoof someone's phone number, but it wasn't as easy as media presented it. You still had to copy someone's SIM card. I don't see how such a ...
Learner's user avatar
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6 votes

Do the "Presidential Alerts" give the government full access to all phone functionality?

This isn't a complete answer to your questions, but I'd like to point out that the government doesn't need access to the E911 chip to locate you. Traditionally mobile phone networks were switched ...
Owl's user avatar
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6 votes

Can Doom run on a car's infotainment system?

Is this video legitimate? This particular video appears to be a hoax: The video above is a joke that some people seem to not be getting. RIffing off the "you can put Doom on anything" meme, ...
forest's user avatar
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5 votes

Did 17 U.S. intelligence agencies claim that Russia was behind the DNC hack?

As @David has stated, there are indeed 17 intelligence agencies, and the USIC is a coalition of these agencies. In a joint statement, they declared: The U.S. Intelligence Community (USIC) is ...
tim's user avatar
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4 votes

Was the investigation of the DNC Email Hack performed by anti-Russian activists?

The four statements contain varying degrees of truth, but none are strictly wrong. According to the FBI, they reached out to the DNC to examine their computer systems, but were rebuffed by the DNC. ...
DenisS's user avatar
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