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Were auroras a rare occurrence before the 18th Century?

Wikipedia's page on auroras says: A mid 19th-century British source says auroras were a rare occurrence before the 18th century. It quotes Halley as saying that before the aurora of 1716, no such ...
Shadow's user avatar
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Does sun-exposure correlate positively with sex drive?

There are many sites posting kinda this: A study by Victoria Milan - a dating site for married and committed people looking to have an affair - looked at the profiles of its millions of active ...
Snack Exchange's user avatar
-6 votes
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Will Earth drift outside of the Goldilocks zone in the next half-billion years?

According to American actor Terrence Howard in his address at the Oxford Union Society: Our planet is moving away from our sun at six inches a year [...] 15 centimeters a year our planet is pushing ...
Evan Carroll's user avatar
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10 votes
3 answers

Has non-TSI solar output increased over the past century in ways the IPCC climate models ignore?

Prof. Nir Shaviv, an American-Israeli astrophysicist, who argues against Anthropomorphic Global Warming, wrote (6 years ago): As an astrophysicist, I see that the scope of solar effects considered by ...
einpoklum's user avatar
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57 votes
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Has the laser at Magurele, Romania reached a tenth of the Sun's power?

This month the laser at Magurele, Romania became the most powerful laser in the world, according to various sources. Related: Is the laser built in Măgurele, România, the most powerful in the ...
Ionică Bizău's user avatar
8 votes
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Does the sound of the Sun oscillate around 528 Hz?

There are some people that believe that a 528Hz tone has healing properties, for instance this website and this one. One of the claims behind this frequency is, from the first source: NASA ...
Jeff Lambert's user avatar
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Can very expensive sunglasses work better than cheap or mid-range ones? [closed]

(This is related to, but different from, this question.) Cost is never a guarantee of quality. But for some products, low cost is a guarantee of lower quality. For example, while not all $300 ...
Josh's user avatar
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8 votes
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Is half of the climate change in the past 110 years due to natural variation in the Sun's output?

A NASA website says: Of the many trends that appear to cause fluctuations in the Sun’s energy, those that last decades to centuries are the most likely to have a measurable impact on the Earth’s ...
DavePhD's user avatar
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5 votes
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Can a strong solar storm knock out our power grids for months?

It's often said that a strong solar storm can burn out the biggest transformers which would take months to replace. If these transformers are so critical, I can't believe they don't have any safety ...
Calmarius's user avatar
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What formula gives the solunar periods of the Solunar Theory? [closed]

Disclaimer This is a precursor to the question "Is the solunar theory real?" - which I'm hoping to answer. So I fully understand if you don't believe that the question lives up to the forum's ...
Johan Wikström's user avatar
4 votes
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Is it possible to get a suntan while wearing suntan lotion?

In the summer, there is always an increase in advertisements and public awareness campaigns to get people to wear suntan lotion, to reduce the risk of sunburn (naturally). Some of these ...
Dr R Dizzle's user avatar
8 votes
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Is there a 12% chance that a solar storm does damage to the electrical grid in the next decade?

Reuters: The probability of a solar storm striking Earth in the next decade with enough force to do serious damage to electricity networks could be as high as 12 percent, according to solar scientists....
Christian's user avatar
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Does Beijing still see natural sunrises?

In Januari 2014, this article reported that: Over the weekend, a story that originated on the smut-ridden UK-based Daily Mail went viral among major media outlets across the world. Time, CBS, ...
Cees Timmerman's user avatar
11 votes
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Do ancient Hindu texts predict the future expansion of the Sun?

This article on the Lovearth Network by Linda Johnsen, points out the correspondences between sacred Hindu texts and modern science. One particular section captured my interest greatly (emphasis mine)...
Anish Ramaswamy's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

Is comet ISON going to kill us?

I've just heard on the news that some comet named ISON is passing by the Sun. And they said that it will split and then it may hit us. They are citing Nostradamus prophecies and stuff. It appears that ...
Alex's user avatar
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Does putting a reflective screen inside your car against the windshield have a meaningful impact on internal temperature?

In southern climes one can see many such reflective screens on cars in parking lots. Not all drivers use them, but many do. Is there a meaningful impact on the internal temperature of your car? Does ...
Drew's user avatar
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Could a solar flare cause economic collapse? [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: Will the Sun's magnetic activity disrupt electronics on Earth? It seems that solar flares are one of the few things that have any factual weight among the possible causes of a so-...
Felipe's user avatar
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Will looking at the sun make you blind? [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: Does staring at the sun cause significant, permanent harm? As a child I was told to never look directly at the sun because it can make you blind. However: I have never heard ...
user avatar
5 votes
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Does bathing in chlorinated water ruin your tan?

Does bathing in swimming-pools (e.g., at hotels or water parks), where chlorine is added to the water, brighten your skin? I've heard from many different people that bathing in pools with chlorine ...
sshow's user avatar
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22 votes
3 answers

Did Bill Nye get booed by a room full of Texans for saying that the moon reflected the suns light?

Did Bill Nye get booed by a room full of Texans for saying that the moon reflected the Sun's light instead of coming from God? This is a well-known internet rumour. Is there any evidence proving/...
Lincity's user avatar
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Do solar storms affect human behaviour?

The other day, I found the following claim that solar flares cause a great increase in human agressiveness: Chizhevsky found after intense research that the rise and fall of solar activity—...
Casebash's user avatar
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