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Questions tagged [sexism]

discrimination on the basis of gender

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44 votes
1 answer

Is a woman more likely than a man to be seriously injured in a car crash of similar severity?

This article makes a number of interesting points about the potential dangers faced by women in a world "designed for men", but I want to ask specifically about this claim: But when a woman ...
bactrian's user avatar
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35 votes
4 answers

Do women get cheaper car insurance?

My coworker told me women pay less car insurance than men. So I did some research and found some sites proving that. For example: According to How Age And Gender Affect Car Insurance Rates, women tend ...
Grasper's user avatar
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25 votes
1 answer

Is the Implicit Association Test effective at determining an individual's biases?

A recent post on the Stack Overflow blog, Stack Overflow Isn’t Very Welcoming. It’s Time for That to Change., discusses the problems that members of marginalized groups may experience when ...
Jeremy's user avatar
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23 votes
1 answer

Is or was the husband's knot/stitch a medical procedure?

The "husband's knot" or "husband's stitch" is supposedly a medical procedure that involves adding an extra suture when performing an episiotomy in order to make a woman's vagina tighter, resulting ...
William Grobman's user avatar
21 votes
1 answer

Is the U.S. 90th in the world in terms of women in national legislatures?

The Miss Representation Extended Trailer makes the claim, at 6:03: The U.S. is the 90th in the world in terms of women in national legislatures. The voice-over adds: If people knew that Cuba, ...
Flimzy's user avatar
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17 votes
1 answer

Has Saudi Arabia announced plans for a women-only city?

There's been reports of announced plans for a women-only city in Saudi Arabia. For example: Saudi Arabia plans new city for women workers only from The Guardian. Al Arabiya claimed (on August 15, ...
Golden Cuy's user avatar
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16 votes
2 answers

Does the Salvation Army pay female pastors?

This tumblr post makes several claims about the Salvation Army: Reasons not to donate to Salvation Army this holiday season: They don’t pay their female pastors. (Their wages get added to ...
lvc's user avatar
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14 votes
1 answer

Did BMW recall their GPS system due to its female voice?

In 2010, Clifford Nass was quoted as making a claim about BMW's GPS systems: In his book titled “The Man Who Lied to His Laptop” published in 2010, Clifford Nass, a communications professor at ...
user25677's user avatar
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11 votes
2 answers

In Canada, will there soon be more female doctors than male doctors?

Obviously no one can know the future with certainty. But several articles make statements regarding more women graduating with medical degrees than men and that in the near future more doctors will be ...
Celeritas's user avatar
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11 votes
3 answers

Do women pay more than men when buying cars?

In the recent Bud Light commercial, Amy Schumer makes many claims regarding gender equality. One of these claims is that women pay more than men when buying cars. Here's a link to said video. Is this ...
JS Lavertu's user avatar
11 votes
1 answer

Did US forces use tens of thousands of Japanese women as sex slaves after the WWII? said in a report: Examples are not hard to find. Before and during WWII, the Japanese enslaved as many as 200,000 "comfort" women, and after the defeat of the Japanese, the United ...
Feralcat's user avatar
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10 votes
1 answer

Was a study of uterine cancer conducted solely on male subjects?

According to a 1986 article in the Chicago Tribune: Researchers [at Rockefeller University] are studying the effects of obesity on estrogen activity and the tendency for women to develop breast and ...
Kodiologist's user avatar
7 votes
1 answer

Was the average prison sentence of men who kill their female partners 2 to 6 years in 1989?

According to this Jan 12, 2019 article from the Guardian: The average prison sentence for men who kill their female partners is two to six years. Such short sentencing sounds unrealistically short ...
Luxspes's user avatar
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7 votes
2 answers

Was there ever a speech by USSR officials before 1950 where it was asked of Soviet women to uphold traditional female roles?

In 1949 Second Sex, Simone de Beauvoir writes: There is no way to directly oblige a woman to give birth: all that can be done is to enclose her in situations where motherhood is her only option:...
Worse_Username's user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

Were staff at Bletchley Park predominantly male?

In The Imitation Game, most of the staff portrayed on-screen were male, and Joan Clarke faced sexist assumptions that because she was a woman, she was in the wrong room when she tried to go into the ...
Golden Cuy's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

Were men in the USA, from Muslim countries, required to register with the federal goverment?

A Los Angles Times article INS Arrests 50 in Pre-Super Bowl Sweep 24 January 2003 refers to: a new requirement that foreign men from a number of predominantly Muslim countries register with the ...
DavePhD's user avatar
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