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13 votes

Do recent images from the JWST pose a major crisis for Big Bang cosmology?

No. Mr. Lerner provides no evidence for the new JWST data causing a major crisis in cosmology, nor that "The Big Bang didn't happen"; other cosmologists disagree with his conclusions. The &...
Schwern's user avatar
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13 votes

Do recent images from the JWST pose a major crisis for Big Bang cosmology?

Some of Lerner's previous complaints about the state of the art did and still do have validity, but his claims about the JWST are wildly out of proportion. Lerner's ideas were presented in a 1991 book,...
user65963's user avatar
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5 votes

Is there compelling proof against an alternative to the law of conservation of energy?

The main flaw in your idea is the assumption that the expansion of the universe is a result of the velocity, and thus the kinetic energy, of objects in the universe increasing as the universe expands. ...
Giter's user avatar
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