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46 votes
2 answers

Is it true that there is not enough electricity to power all vehicles in the United States if they were electric?

According to Scotty Kilmer, in his video, "The Truth About My Worsening Condition": There is not enough electricity [currently] to charge the batteries of cars like Tesla that have lithium ...
Evan Carroll's user avatar
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15 votes
1 answer

Does one SUV tank of ethanol "take as much grain as could feed a person for a whole year?"

From The Great Transition, (c)2014, by Lester R. Brown (preface, page xiii): [F]illing the tank of a large SUV one time with ethanol takes as much grain as could feed a person for a whole year. ...
LShaver's user avatar
  • 10.4k
18 votes
1 answer

Is widespread adoption of the electric car unlikely due to lithium scarcity?

Although lithium is very abundant in sea water, only lithium mineral extraction seems to be economically viable. The world's total reserves in lithium minerals is estimated at 13.5 Mt (not sure ...
wnrph's user avatar
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14 votes
1 answer

Is a car's fuel consumption increased when the headlights are on?

I have read in many sites that a car with lights on will consume more fuel that with lights off. The (hand-waving) justifications that I see tend to mention that "energy has to come from somewhere" ...
Martin Argerami's user avatar
2 votes
0 answers

Can a car run on water? As per this experiment [duplicate]

The Agha Waqar's car that ran on water was a great news for a long time. Where a Pakistan based inventor invented a car that got all the power from water. He was using a water kit to get the energy. ...
Afzaal Ahmad Zeeshan's user avatar
18 votes
3 answers

Are electric cars beneficial to the environment compared to low consumption modern cars?

Imagine an electric car in a country where most energy come from coal (which i believe is the dirtiest). Add this to the pollution that disposing the batteries will create, or the carbon footprint ...
ariel's user avatar
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9 votes
0 answers

Are electric cars better for the environment than internal-combustion cars? [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: Does a car with a hybrid engine and Lithium batteries pollute more than a car with conventional technology? We hear a lot about electric cars being the future. But we also ...
richard's user avatar
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