In 12 November 2015, Israeli agents disguised as Arabs escorting a woman in labor, raided a hospital in Hebron, West Bank, seized a Palestinian suspected of stabbing and shot dead his cousin. The dead cousin was apparently unarmed but tried to obstruct the arrest.
This website (presumably pro-Palestinian) claimed that BBC 'softened' the title of the article covering this event, from 'Israelis shoot dead Palestinian in Hebron hospital raid' to 'Israelis in disguise raid Hebron hospital, seizing suspect'. The new title hides the fact that someone was shot dead (the content still mention this fact though).
I can see that the current article has the headline on the right, but I don't know how to verify that it was initially the headline on the left. Someone could have just photoshopped the screenshot. Is there any way to verify whether this change did take place?