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80 votes

Is there any possibility that CERN's Large Hadron Collider run 3 can be devastating?

No. There is no chance of catastrophic consequences of the CERN run. CERN Website LSAG report The simplest evidence of this comes from the fact that nothing particularly special is happening in the ...
TimRias's user avatar
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13 votes

Is the Cobra 80 fire cracker "three to four times as powerful" as a hand grenade?

This post on a Dutch IT forum may shed some light on this matter. This guy seems to access to some facts about the M67 hand grenade, as well as the Cobra 6 [not Cobra 80] firework: De M67 hand ...
oerkelens's user avatar
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Does the GRU-43/B "Massive Ordnance Air Blast" weapon cost $US16 million?

Yes, both claims appear to be true The NYT reports: ...using a 20,000-pound bomb that cost $16 million, and more than $300 million to develop... Business Insider: But the number heavily cited ...
ventsyv's user avatar
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How could a glass pane and a piece of cloth survive an explosion?

There's a lot of missing information. How much dynamite? What type of glass and how thick and how was it framed? What type of bronze is the crucifix made of? And I have no idea about the accuracy of ...
Schwern's user avatar
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Is the Cobra 80 fire cracker "three to four times as powerful" as a hand grenade?

The Netherlands produced for decades a small grenade, the V40. This was a defensively used fragmentation grenade, although the smaller radius and grenade size is usually associated with offensively-...
EarlGrey's user avatar
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2 votes

Would a large quantity of gasoline in a closed container explode violently when exposed to fire?

As you note, the flammability limit requires a mix of fuel and oxygen (mostly oxygen) in order to have a fire, and that means that there's only two ways in which this can happen, and neither really ...
Michael Borgwardt's user avatar

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