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24 votes
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Does water bring out the flavor and aroma in scotch?

I've often heard that adding just a few drops of filtered, room termperature water to scotch helps to "bring out the flavor and the aroma." The scotch guy at my store told me it involves a chemical ...
Big McLargeHuge's user avatar
21 votes
1 answer

Does drinking alcohol through a straw make you drunk quicker?

It is said that drinking alcohol through a straw gets you drunk faster. For example, The Drunk Pirate I have absolutely no scientific explanation for why drinking alcohol through a straw gets you ...
Samuelson's user avatar
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5 votes
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Has any scholar proposed an etymology of "pissed" (in the sense of "drunk") related to drinking psychoactive urine?

The earliest example I've seen so far of this widely-recycled claim (see what I did there?) is a 2003 article by Dana Larsen in the magazine Cannabis Culture: It was common practice among ancient ...
Brian Z's user avatar
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