No, this is a false claim
In debunking this it is important to clarify that there are two types of debt the claim could be referring to.
There is public debt, which refers to all money borrowed by the US government through the issue of securities by the Treasury and other federal government agencies.
The other is gross federal debt which is the total of all public debt as well as any debt held by the government, such as social security or medicare.
It doesn't specify which type of debt in the claim, although in both cases the claim is false.
It is very easy to prove this claim false, by using the Debt to the Penny calculator on the TreasuryDirect website.
As of February 23, 2012:
Debt Held by the Public: $10.6 trillion
Intragovernmental Holdings: $4.8 trillion
Total Public Debt Outstanding: $15.4 trillion
President Obama was inaugurated as president on January 20, 2009
So, using the penny debt calculator to look at the timeframe from the date of President Obama's inauguration to now, we can get the figures needed to validate the claim.
On the date of President Obama's inauguration, rounded debt figures for debt accumulated by all previous presidents are as follows:
Debt Held by the Public: $6.3 trillion
Intragovernmental Holdings: $4.3 trillion
Total Public Debt Outstanding: $10.6 trillion
So, if we subtract these (unrounded) figures from the (unrounded) current figures above, we are left with the accumulate debt that can be attributed to President Obama.
Debt Held by the Public: $10.6 trillion - $6.3 trillion = $4.37 trillion
Intragovernmental Holdings: $4.8 trillion - $4.3 trillion = $0.44 trillion
Total Public Debt Outstanding: $15.4 trillion - $10.6 trillion = $4.8 trillion
In all cases, the debt attributed to President Obama is less than the total debt accumulate by the past 43 presidents for both types of debt.