Ross Capicchioni was a teenager who was shot several times and required emergency surgery.
He reported that he had been shot by someone he knew who was undergoing a gang-initiation. He claims the shooter was sentenced to 35 years in prison.
Ross Capicchioni had known his potential murderer for ten years and believed him to be a friend. [...] It was only a moment after getting out of the car together before Ross was shot in his arm. [...] Ross took damage to his head but recalled that he was still conscious when the friend hit him in the face with the butt of the gun. [...] The shooter was sentenced to 35 years in prison.
He tells his story in this 2013 YouTube video interview..
This claim inspired a song by Joyner Lucas with ~10 million views.
However, his story is short on specific details - like the name of the shooter and the case number.
He addresses some of the skepticism here on a 2014 Facebook post:
Lol at the haters for saying I put out a fake story. [...] the reason there is no news article or anything is cuz when the Macomb Daily came to my house " that's a newspaper" and wanted to do a story about me I said no. Another reason why no one knows who shot me or proof that I went to court is 1. Because no one needs to know who tried to kill me, and he doesn't need a shout out or fame for his attempt at murder. And 2, there is no proof of the court date and trial is because I didn't want it to be seen by the public. If anyone was gonna share my story to the world it was gonna be me.
I don't see any actual information about the crime. How do we know he was shot randomly as part of a gang-initiation and not as part of a gang-on-gang violence, or as an innocent bystander, or a drug deal or whatever?
Is there any media coverage or public records the substantiate this being a claim of random violence from a friend to get initiated into a gang?
The YouTuber MrNikhilking seems to have broken this story. At t=1:16 you can see the date mentioned of the incident, "June 6, 2007". He claims in this video that he woke up three days later and was reunited with his parents. He said he was sent home on the fifth day, and that on the next day the FBI had approached him with the name. That tells me the case must have been filed beteween June 6, and June 16 (giving wiggle room).