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I hate to be that guy. But I am going to say a blogspot site is not a noteworthy site, or even a place to even pretend news should come from. Can you find another source?
Software on airplanes are real-time systems and they don't have complex, generic kernels like general computers do. Though this may be true for some cars, planes have very specific code and hardware which allows for smaller code bases. Related question on Aviation.SE
Ammonia is a naturally occurring contaminant in drinking water, though not desired. But I believe they mean reducing the ammonia in the urine of your dog, which is a natural byproduct of protein metabolism. My cat's urine smell like pure ammonia but I definitely don't give him water that smells of ammonia!
That is borderline conspiracy talk. Just because they get grants from the federal government doesn't mean it is stacked, review the work it is public. If the panel wanted to line their pockets with federal money, a conclusion of 'more research is needed' would achieve that goal better than predetermined conclusion.
@DenisStallings Got my vote. I think this might be worth pointing out.… The IRS can levy 100% of your paycheck from one employer if you have two jobs and still meet the minimum amount exempted.
This can be cleaned up to answer the question more directly; but your post illustrates the problem with the opinion piece. He relies on 20 year old footnote, 'We need more evidence', and then ignores preceding evidence. He says the today's policy isn't needed because of the body of evidence in '96; and throw in conspiracy for spice. "Regulations against cigarettes are not needed because didn't have the evidence in the 1940s."
Sorry to be the rain cloud, but is there any reason to cast doubt on the validity of the videos? Two women slightly outside the social-norms for their place of residence isn't all that unusual, even for local TV personalities. For the grasping, desperate, social-commentary undertones... 'You mean people are not a homogenous block within their country! Gasp!'
What Scientific American is describing is Newton's Law of Cooling: -- it is also why a building's central air will run less often when the temperature at the thermostat and the outside are very close in value.