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Does microwaving breast milk cause dangerous hot spots?

I was almost eaten alive by my wife after she found out I heated our baby's dinner in a microwave. The concern is that microwave heating is uneven and it could make a super hot spot in breast milk or ...
bestander's user avatar
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Can standing in front of a microwave oven give you cancer?

I was heating up some lunch in the microwave oven at work a few weeks ago, and peered into the window to see if my soup was bubbling yet. At that point a coworker walked into the lunch room and ...
morganpdx's user avatar
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Is food cooked in a microwave oven harmful for the health?

A colleague of mine just made a comment about cooking food in a microwave oven. According to him it is considered to be harmful to one's health. Is it true?
Boris Pavlović's user avatar