Oleg Morozov, a deputy of Duma, stated the following in his social media:
Своими заявлениями о России, как "раковой опухоли", и о "контрибуции",
которую мы должны выплатить Украине, Польша побуждает нас поставить ее
на первое место в очередь на денацификацию после Украины.
With their statements about Russia being a "cancerous tumor" and an
"indemnity" we owe to Ukraine, Poland urges us put them first in line
for denazification after Ukraine.
Multiple media outlets name Morozov specifically as the source of the quote, so it is reasonable to assume that post is the original source of the claim.
One can infer from this statement that it proposes an invasion, but it was not stated in parliamentary discussions, but rather as a personal opinion.
Several other deputies of Duma also expressed outrage at the words of Polish Premier that prompted the post in question, but as far as I'm aware, no official deliberations were conducted by Duma on this matter at this time.
Thus, the answer to your question would be no, Russian Duma did not propose invading Poland.