The German newspaper Tagesspiegel has an updated article that says the masks have not been confiscated; instead they went to a higher bidder, whose identity is so far unknown.
Nach Tagesspiegel-Informationen ist die interne Sprachregelung der
Polizei, dass die für die Berliner Polizei bestimmte Ware in Thailand
aufgekauft wurde. Die verbindlich zugesagte Lieferung von 200.000 von
insgesamt 400.000 FFP 2-Masken sei „im letzten Moment an einen anderen
Käufer umgeleitet worden“.
Intern ist unter Berufung auf den deutschen Händler und
Vertragspartner auch die Rede davon, dass die Ware an die USA ging -
ob an eine Firma oder an staatliche Stellen, blieb unklar. Thailand
könnte aber auch selbst den Verkauf an Berlin gestoppt haben. Oder ein
gewiefter Zwischenhändler könnte auf einen größeren Profit aus gewesen
Very very roughly :
According to information obtained by Tagesspiegel internal police
communications now say that the order placed by the Berlin police has
been bought up in Thailand. The confirmed delivery of 200 000 mask, of
an order of 400 000, had been "redirected at the last moment to
another buyer".
It is claimed that, according to German contractors, the goods were shipped to
the US, but that it is unclear if a private company or the government is behind
this. It might also be that Thailand stopped the delivery, or that a clever
intermediary is looking for a higher profit.
What seems certain by now is that the original claims were wrong/inappropriate. The publicly funded TV station RBB reports that, contrary to prior reporting, the masks have not been ordered with 3M directly, but with a German intermediary.
Er korrigierte damit Angaben der Innenverwaltung vom Vortag, in denen
von einer Bestellung bei einem US-Hersteller die Rede gewesen war. Der
US-Konzern 3M, dessen Name in diesem Zusammenhang genannt worden war,
erklärte, ihm sei nichts von einer Bestellung der Berliner Polizei
Nach neuesten rbb-Informationen wurden zwar Masken des US-Unternehmens
3M bestellt - allerdings nicht direkt, sondern bei einem deutschen
Lieferanten, der ein langjähriger Vertragspartner der Berliner Polizei
Again, very roughly:
He [Martin Pallgen, the speaker of the Administration of the German federal state of
Berlin] corrected a statement by the administration from the previous
day which claimed the order had been placed with a US company, 3M, who
had been mentioned in that context, had stated that they knew nothing
about an order from the Berlin police forces.
According to new information obtained by RBB the order had been for
masks produced by 3M - however they haven't been ordered directly with
the company, but with a German distributor who has been a partner for
the German police for a number of years.
So reporting on this is developing, but it seems most of the original claims have fallen apart. The only thing that seems certain is that a large order of masks has not arrived in Germany, and there are attempts to attach blame somewhere.