In a popular-science Polish magazine Focus EKSTRA, special issue 5/2004*, page 39, there's a paragraph that says
(in original Polish, emphasis mine:)
Jak duża może być łechtaczka?
Największe bywają rozmiarów penisa - są też łudząco do niego podobne. Zwykle jest to skutkiem nadmiaru męskich hormonów w trakcie życia płodowego. Notowano przypadki, że takie dziewczynki wychowywano jako chłopców i dopiero w okresie pokwitania pomyłka wychodziła na jaw.
(translated to English, emphasis mine:)
How big can a clitoris be?
The largest ones are the size of a penis - they are strikingly similar to one, too. Usually that's a result of excess of male hormones during gestational period. There were noted cases where such girls were raised as boys, and only during puberty was the error made obvious.
The text describes obviously clitoromegaly, which is a moderately well-known intersex condition, so there's no scepticism there.
However, I can't for the life of me find any sources confirming the bolded part, ie. cases of women Assigned Male At Birth due to clitoral endowment and subsequently raised as boys until they got their first period.
Is this something the editorial staff made up?
* Warning: cover is NSFW - it features a topless woman for no discernible reason. (That photo is then reused in a section about belly buttons - for no discernible reason as well.)