I spotted this on Facebook:
Cynthia [sic]: Flesh-Eating Synthetic Bacteria that has Gone Wild
In 2011, Cynthia was unleashed in the Gulf of Mexico and in its initial stages of life it was absorbing oil slicks at breathtaking speed. In January, 2011 the Register reported that scientists were particularly impressed by the speed with which the bacteria was eating up its “meal”.
But then this bacteria mutated and soon was feeding on organic lifeforms. Strange reports started coming from the US, like five thousand birds falling victims of an “unknown disease” in Arkansas, or more that a hundred thousand dead fish found off the coast of north Louisiana. It was also reported that a total of 128 British Petroleum employees that participated in the liquidation of the oil slick were struck by some mysterious illness. According to various sources they were forbidden to seek relief in public hospitals, to prevent them from talking to anyone about what has happened to them…
Only relevant mainstream article I could find: The Mysterious Thing About a Marvelous New Synthetic Cell
“The 2010 paper was basically the control experiment,” says Venter. Their true mission was to create a cell with a minimal genome. [...]
And they’ve done it. Six years after Synthia, they’ve finally unveiled their bare-bones bacterium. And in piecing together its components, they realized that they’re nowhere close to understanding them all. Of the 473 genes in their pared-down cell, 149 are completely unknown. They seem to be essential (and more on what that means later). Many of them have counterparts that are at work in your body right now, probably keeping you alive.
And they’re a total mystery.
A Google search for "Synthia bacteria" gets all kinds of interesting results, but nothing that really tells me the origins of this alleged massive coverup.
Has Synthia gone rogue?