In an 2009 article, Why do Muslims come to Christ? Five case studies that underline the key factors as Living God in Christ, the living Word, and the living Body of Christ. by Salaam Corniche, there is a reference (on the last page) to a study of Ex-Muslim Christians in academiathe
The study was described in a 2013 blog article, they compileFactors leading to conversion of Muslims to Christ., by Georges Houssney.
The study was a multiple studies/surveys saying that 25% of all former Muslim newly Christian-choice questionnaire answered by 100 converts received a vision of Jesuswho had come to the national conferences for Christians from Muslim Background held in Washington DC and New Jersey.
Under question 4, it states:
“What was the major factor in drawing you to Christ?
25% experienced dreams and visions, most of Jesus but some various dreams.
I want to know if theirthe statistics are genuine/accurate (like if and valid. Did they used theuse proper scientific methodmethods in the survey), and, if they are, what can explain that phenomenon. Also, I want to know if? Is there is any information that can contradict or oppose the stats.
The claim being challenged is at the end of the article, the author says that through this studies he/she has concluded that 25% of all Muslim convertsother evidence to Christianity have experienced a visionsupport or dreamreject this claims.