I have seen this episode about religion from the documentary series "Through the Wormhole" and how it is disappearing and they say that it will have only 10% theists in New Zealand by 2050. How could they predict something like that?
To use classical music as an example, you could say, "Well it's so old, no radio plays classical music nowadays, but still, there are very many people who like classical music" and I would say that there will be a lot of people who like classical music even in 2050.
You can view the documentary on YouTube and they discuss the subject at about the 23 minute mark.
How could they predict such thing? Is this for real? Do they include the rise of nationalism and patriotism all over the world, what about the economic situation, do they know that in Europe and all over the world the number of jobless people are increasing? Do they know that these people are connected. what about new types of religions that are emerging like Scientology etc.?
It seems these "predictions" are:
A) very unprofessional and unscientific
B) with a hidden agenda
Through the wormhole is one big disapointment. Unlike Cosmos or The Universe series it has so much speculation and charlatans in every episode that's degrading science in general.
i am not against anybody. Wheather it is a theist or atheist or agnostic or whatsoever, however, these speculative notions in such popular documentaries are putting them in one bag with Beverly Hills 90210.
UPDATE: There was an edit suggesting to remove my subjective question if this could be an atheist propaganda. But I disagree because I think that many anti-religious movements are distorting facts to their liking. So, I will ask if you think that this is an Atheist propaganda or not.
[1]: http://youtu.be/qrIq5xd8nBM?t=23m