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user1873's user avatar
  • Member for 12 years, 7 months
  • Last seen more than 7 years ago
50 votes

Do the rich get richer and the poor get poorer?

34 votes

Are there between 100,000-300,000 child sex slaves in the United States today?

19 votes

Do full-time working women earn 77 cents for every dollar a man earns?

15 votes

Did the head of the Joint National Committee on language claim Jesus spoke English?

14 votes

Is it accurate to say that 97% of experts agree that global warming is anthropogenic?

13 votes

Does SNAP have the lowest rate of fraud of any federal program in the US?

13 votes

Is food fried with cold-pressed oil dangerous?

12 votes

Is it legal for a Muslim husband to beat his wife in Saudi Arabia?

11 votes

Does regularly drinking from a plastic container cause cancer?

11 votes

Did President Obama issue an executive order to delay deportations of children?

10 votes

Politicians claim there have been big "cuts" to education, has this ever occurred?

8 votes

Is the border fence basically complete as Obama said, and did they go above and beyond what was requested?

8 votes

Are teachers in the United states paid poorly?

8 votes

Have multiple intelligence services estimated that 15-25% of the Muslim population are "radical"?

6 votes

Did US President Bill Clinton pay down the national debt by $223 billion in 2000?

6 votes

Is the mustard seed the smallest of seeds?

5 votes

Are bees disappearing and why?

5 votes

Was the Emancipation Proclamation an Executive Order that bypassed Congress and freed 3 million slaves?

4 votes

Does getting married prevent violence against women and children?

4 votes

Is there no risk-free level of second hand smoke?

4 votes

Is there no risk-free level of second hand smoke?

3 votes

Is posting my bank account number online unsafe?

1 vote

Does child rearing by homosexual couples have any measurable negative effects?

0 votes

Are voter ID laws harmful to minority voters?

-2 votes

Is eating Dry Milk (powdered milk) harmful?

-3 votes

How often are recyclable items recycled?

-6 votes

Did the National Rifle Association (NRA) block research into statistics related to gun control?

-7 votes

Is Social Security a Ponzi scheme?

-9 votes

Do victims of rape have biological defenses that prevent pregnancy?