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Weather Vane's user avatar
Weather Vane
  • Member for 4 years, 11 months
  • Last seen this week
  • UK
96 votes

Are there 300,000 items in the average American household, and 10,000 items in the average European household?

94 votes

Did the Covid vaccines lower fertility rates via causing infertility?

91 votes

Were a large number of votes from suspiciously old Pennsylvanians received in the 2020 US presidential election?

60 votes

Has the United States only ratified 5 of 18 international treaties on human rights?

51 votes

Were a large number of votes from suspiciously old Pennsylvanians received in the 2020 US presidential election?

44 votes

Is there an unusual distribution of adverse events by lot number for the mRNA COVID-19 vaccines?

37 votes

Did Betelgeuse explode on August 7, 2022?

33 votes

Does Iowa have more farmland suitable for growing corn and wheat than Canada?

33 votes

Did protesters block metal detectors at Trump's Tulsa rally?

32 votes

Did the EU prevent crown symbols being placed on pint glasses?

24 votes

Was ape tool use "well known and not the least bit controversial" in 1735?

24 votes

Does wearing a face mask cause intermittent hypoxia?

16 votes

Are covid vaccines causing additional cardiac events amongst athletes?

16 votes

Is saying "du" to a police officer illegal in Germany?

14 votes

Does one cup of coffee pollute as much as a 10km car drive?

13 votes

Can the Lifewave Patch reset stem cells to a younger, healthier state?

13 votes

Have lab animals that live under a controlled diet become more obese over the last decades?

12 votes

Did the pope ever commission Mercator to make a map?

11 votes

Did Kentucky cut polling locations by 95% due to lack of volunteers?

10 votes

Did these politicians say these quotes regarding rape?

10 votes

John Nash quote from A Beautiful Mind

9 votes

Are vegetable oils "worse" for your health than cigarettes?

9 votes

Did vehicle registration occur before automobiles?

9 votes

Do homeless people in the USA refuse to work?

9 votes

Are broiler chickens injected with hormones in their left legs?

8 votes

Was the EU created or supported by Nazis?

6 votes

Did Alexander Graham Bell suggest that “Ahoy!” (or some variation of it) be the standard telephone greeting?

5 votes

Does practicing writing essays make you better at writing essays?

5 votes

Are the British to blame for Israel's stray cat problem?

4 votes

Do any Covid-19 vaccines contain "nanoparticles" that can be detected in the blood afterwards and used to determine if a person has been vaccinated?