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Laurel's user avatar
  • Member for 7 years, 9 months
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195 votes

In the American west—the world of cowboys and cowhands—was ammunition traded for alcoholic “shots” of a drink?

181 votes

Did Amazon pay $0 in US taxes in 2018?

155 votes

Did Sasha Johnson state “the white man will not be our equal but our slave"?

126 votes

Was George H. W. Bush the "youngest pilot in the US Navy"?

119 votes

Was there a diorama at the Chicago Museum of Science where children could play shooting at a Vietnamese village?

113 votes

Did Abner Schoenwetter spend 6.5 years in jail because he used plastic bags instead of cardboard boxes when importing lobsters from Honduras?

97 votes

Did Elon Musk falsely claim to have a degree in science?

92 votes

Does saying "sorry" after an accident count as legal admission of fault?

89 votes

Were George Washington's teeth ripped from the mouths of living slaves?

75 votes

Was Bill Gates' mugshot photo used in 2010 as a template for Outlook contacts?

71 votes

Did Einstein say this quote about blind belief in authority being the "greatest enemy of the truth"?

71 votes

Did thousands of women die every year due to illegal abortions before Roe v. Wade?

70 votes

Did the Smithsonian publish this infographic about 'whiteness'?

64 votes

Did Einstein say "Do not worry about your difficulties in mathematics, I assure you that mine are greater"?

63 votes

Does an Executive Order keep JFK murder evidence unavailable until 2039, 2038 or 2017?

61 votes

Did the United States Holocaust Museum have a display entitled "Early Warning Signs of Facism"?

61 votes

Did JK Rowling ever describe Harry Potter goblins as "hook-nosed"?

59 votes

Did Andrew Tate claim his job was to seduce women and get them on a webcam?

58 votes

Can video games cause seizures?

58 votes

Is it less dangerous to box without gloves than with gloves?

57 votes

Did Barry Goldwater claim peanut butter is good shaving cream?

56 votes

Is there a depiction of Lucifer in the Vatican Necropolis?

56 votes

Did the United States spend $118,000 to study if a metal replica of Thanos could snap his fingers?

51 votes

Mythbusters tested a material that was so explosive they didn't release the episode and contacted DARPA

50 votes

Is it illegal in Australia to add "chocolate or sultanas" to an Anzac biscuit?

43 votes

Did Volodymyr Zelenskyy say that "if someone in Ukraine feels Russian, they should leave for Russia"?

42 votes

Do sandcastles kill more people than sharks?

42 votes

Does the expression "breakfast is the most important meal of the day" come from a 1944 cereal marketing campaign?

41 votes

Have children's car seats not been proven to be more effective than seat belts alone for kids older than 24 months?

39 votes

Have any versions of "Who Wants to be a Millionaire?" had to remove the Ask the Audience lifeline due to the audience purposely voting wrong?

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