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Golden Cuy
  • Member for 13 years, 9 months
  • Last seen this week
168 votes

Does YouTube delete video dislikes?

43 votes

Has one vote ever made a difference?

43 votes

Did Obama tell people to ignore those warning against tyranny?

42 votes

Did Martin Luther King, Jr. say that "I will not rejoice in the death of one, not even an enemy"?

41 votes

Is "Syphilis: All of these men have it" a WWII propaganda poster?

39 votes

Are swastikas commonplace in Japan?

34 votes

Did Gigi Wu ("bikini climber") die of hypothermia because she was only wearing a bikini?

21 votes

Did Trump call Belgium a village in Europe?

19 votes

Is this protest sign referring to Europe?

18 votes

Did Snowden reveal that ISIS is a USA-Israel tactic?

18 votes

Is this tweet about classes one month after the Hiroshima bombing, and the 2011 tsunami accurate?

17 votes

Has anyone innocent ever been arrested because of contraband that was planted in their luggage?

16 votes

Have two out of only 27 Muslim refugees in Japan been arrested for sexual assault?

15 votes

Is "Fukuppy" a mascot of the Fukushima nuclear accident?

15 votes

Is there a subgroup of Asians that have slanting vaginas?

15 votes

Did Gandhi make racist statements about black prisoners?

14 votes

Are (former Australian Prime Minister) Tony Abbott's Indian Facebook likes fake?

14 votes

Are Muslim headscarves banned in France?

14 votes

Is this picture of Trump making people swear to vote for him genuine?

14 votes

Was this "Buy a wife from Vietnam" advert genuine?

13 votes

Did Obama apologize for the USA using nuclear weapons on Japan?

12 votes

Did Iranian media pixelate most of a female beach volleyball player?

12 votes

Is prostitution uncommon among geishas?

11 votes

Did World War II propaganda posters tell people to "Speak American", rather than languages of the enemy?

11 votes

Did a war memorial in Australia have a Japanese flag on the floor to trample?

11 votes

Have Vegemite, Marmite and other yeast extracts been banned in Denmark?

11 votes

Did BBC change an article title about Israelis shooting dead a Palestinian in a hospital?

11 votes

Has Richard Dawkins never learnt a language other than English?

11 votes

Are high temperatures the cause of nudity being not unusual amongst the Daasanach?

10 votes

Were the London Bridge attack victims Londoners?