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96 votes

Are statistics in controversial Australian antigay posters true?

What the writings by Sullins say Invisible Victims: Delayed Onset Depression among Adults with Same-Sex Parents is available online: Retrospective questions at Waves III and IV asked about adult ...
tim's user avatar
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75 votes

Did the Indonesian army have a virginity test for female recruits?

Yes The invasive virginity test: began at an unknown time but probably around 1965 (a retired police officer remembered having the test in 1965). was exposed by Human Rights Watch in 2014. At this ...
Avery's user avatar
  • 46.4k
71 votes

Do 87% of female rape victims experience an orgasm during the attack?

I'd like to know if that scientific article existed No, it seems that the Liebowitz study is completely made up. The MSNBC Article The link that is given doesn't work anymore. But using the wayback ...
tim's user avatar
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63 votes

Did the study mentioned by "The virginity fraud" TEDx Talk happen?

See Genital Anatomy in Pregnant Adolescents: “Normal” Does Not Mean “Nothing Happened” Pediatrics, January 2004, volume 113, pages e67-e69. METHODS The purpose of this study was to summarize the ...
DavePhD's user avatar
  • 108k
54 votes

Were 25% of newly-infected HIV-positive gay men actively seeking infection in 2003?

The number originates from a Rolling Stone article titled Bug Chasers by Gregory Freeman: Cabaj estimates that at least twenty-five percent of all newly infected gay men fall into that category. ...
tim's user avatar
  • 52k
35 votes

Was 2016 the Deadliest year for the LGBTQ community?

The data this claim seems to be based on is severely limited. I applaud their efforts to bring attention to this issue, but they do not appear to be using scientific counting methods, and their data ...
BobTheAverage's user avatar
34 votes

Did the Danish Justice Ministry survey veterinarians about bestiality?

They did. From the report "JUSTITSMINISTERIETS FORSKNINGSKONTOR AUGUST 2011 MENNESKERS SEKSUELLE OMGANG MED DYR En undersøgelse af dyrlægers kendskab hertil" (PDF): Table 1 shows how many ...
LangLаngС's user avatar
  • 44.1k
32 votes

Was 2016 the Deadliest year for the LGBTQ community?

In addition to BobTheAverage's asnwer, the claim has other notable problems (hat/tip to commenters on the question for some of them): The claim tries to imply (not just the image, but HRC'...
user5341's user avatar
  • 31.4k
30 votes

Did a Cypriot bishop claim that homosexuality is caused when parents have anal sex?

The claim is true (that he said it, not what he said) Here is a link from a Greek news website with the video and a full quote
panagiotis karagiannis's user avatar
27 votes

Are brothels to have sex with animals increasing fast in Germany?

In 2012 it was discussed to change the animal protection law, and "animal brothels" have been a topic in these discussions (also in 2010 and maybe even before). 2012-09 - Katharina Meyer (journalist ...
unor's user avatar
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26 votes

Does homosexuality in males steeply decline with age?

Properly conducted longitudinal studies have found that, if anything, the trend is in the opposite direction. Only two longitudinal and prospective studies have examined changes in sexual identity ...
Paul Johnson's user avatar
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25 votes

Does it take two weeks for a single man to produce enough sperm to impregnate every fertile woman on Earth?

Theoretically that is rough-ballpark-correct. But that is assuming that you would need only one sperm per woman, which is unrealistic. Using the... erm... "normal" way, not every sperm finds its way ...
DevSolar's user avatar
  • 19.1k
25 votes

Did the Indonesian army have a virginity test for female recruits?

From the article linked in the question itself, their army chief of staff basically admitted they had hymen "rupture" tests: Andika Perkasa, the Indonesian army chief of staff, told ...
Believe it or not...'s user avatar
22 votes

Does Female Genital Mutilation reduce the ability to feel sexual pleasure?

FGM Classification and sexual pleasure The WHO categorizes FGM in four classes: Type 1: separated in Type 1a (removal of clitoral hood/prepuce), and Type 1b (removal of the clitoris) Type 2: ...
tim's user avatar
  • 52k
22 votes

Are men more likely than women to accept an offer for casual sex?

I sincerely hope someone finds a newer result, but one of the textbook studies for this is one from 1978, and repeated in 1982 with nearly identical results. The study was set at Florida State ...
Is Begot's user avatar
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21 votes

Would Egale's recommendations for law reform make anal sex legal at any age in Canada?

NO, Egale is not calling for such changes to the law. The LifeSiteNews article links to the Egale final report. After some discussion, the recommendations appear on page 43. TOWARD CONSENSUAL ...
Oddthinking's user avatar
  • 144k
21 votes

AI can guess whether you're gay or straight – how do they get 91% success rate?

Is it true or fake? The research paper in question has passed peer review, suggesting that the methodology was deemed to be sound by other experts in the field. It is conceivable that the results ...
lemon's user avatar
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21 votes

Have 5% of Danish men had sex with an animal?

TLDR: We don't know. There really aren't any hard numbers on how many or few Danes have had sex with an animal. The claim portrayed in the linked article most likely stems from a Danish television ...
Kaspar Kjeldsen's user avatar
21 votes

Are men more likely than women to accept an offer for casual sex?

For a newer study, I've found a study that: Andreas M. Baranowski and Heiko Hecht, Gender Differences and Similarities in Receptivity to Sexual Invitations: Effects of Location and Risk Perception, ...
Piotr Migdal's user avatar
20 votes

Are men expressing homophobia more likely to be homosexual?

There is a study by Ryan et al about this topic. They also discuss the results of the study in this post at Rochester as well as this NYT article: Using this methodology we identified a subgroup of ...
tim's user avatar
  • 52k
20 votes

Do certain religious traditions believe that Eve had sex with the Serpent?

Eve having Sex with the serpent This is also called the serpent seed theory. The idea is that the arch angel Samael was the serpent and used that form to have sex with Eve, which then resulted in the ...
tim's user avatar
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19 votes

Are most women sexually aroused by videos of naked women?

Results along these lines have been replicated in multiple studies. Here are quotes from the abstracts of a few relevant articles. Note that most but not all of these studies list Gerulf Rieger as an ...
Brian Z's user avatar
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18 votes

Do 80% of gender-dysphoric children grow up deciding not to change their gender?

There are only a limited number of studies on this, with a limited sample size. None of them seem to check if children "changed their gender", but if they still match the criteria for GID. Here is ...
tim's user avatar
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18 votes

What is the economic burden of having transgender people in the US military?

There's a Scientific American article, Cost of Medical Care for Transgender Service Members Would Be Minimal, Studies Show, which cites two studies: One from the RAND Corporation: The study also ...
ChrisW's user avatar
  • 26.7k
16 votes

Do comprehensive Sex Ed programs reduce teenage sexual activity?

That article by Kirby et al. is freely available via ReseachGate. It seems to be the only major metastudy to address the question. Quoting from the abstract: This paper reviews 83 studies that ...
Brian Z's user avatar
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16 votes

Does a female breast shape predict personality?

The article only mentions unnamed "German scientists" for its claim. The only person named by name is Karen Weatherby, and she is used to support a different claim (looking at breasts is healthy). ...
tim's user avatar
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16 votes

Can men have sex every day of the year?

The biological limitation on men having repeated sex is called the Refractory Period. During this period, after orgasm, a man is generally unable to maintain an erection or achieve orgasm, and may be ...
DJClayworth's user avatar
  • 57.7k
15 votes

Did Mike Pence advocate conversion therapy for homosexuals?

No. Some are misconstruing the phrase "change their sexual behavior" in the sentence "Resources should be directed toward those institutions which provide assistance to those seeking to ...
DavePhD's user avatar
  • 108k
15 votes

AI can guess whether you're gay or straight – how do they get 91% success rate?

Summary: This paper is a real scientific paper that has passed peer review. The real judge of whether their findings are true or not is whether they can be replicated. There simply has not been enough ...
BobTheAverage's user avatar
15 votes

Are more than 40% of millenials in Japan virgins?

No. CNN is misreporting. The statistics are for the fraction of NEVER MARRIED people who are virgins. Specifically, the study is The Fifteenth Japanese National Fertility Survey. The ...
DavePhD's user avatar
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