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152 votes

Is this Swedish government pamphlet a guide for men who have married underage girls?

For completeness, here is the full 4 page pamphlet together with an English translation: Information to you who are married to a child Child marriage is illegal in Sweden In Sweden it is ...
jkej's user avatar
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74 votes

Was a 15-year-old teen sentenced to 15 years because he took 5 seconds to stop intercourse with an 18-year-old?

It's partly correct, but it is missing an important aspect of the female’s testimony. "J.L." (Jewel Lankford) is the female, "Baby" (Maouloud Baby) is the male discussed in the OP, and "Mike" (...
DavePhD's user avatar
  • 109k
71 votes

Do 87% of female rape victims experience an orgasm during the attack?

I'd like to know if that scientific article existed No, it seems that the Liebowitz study is completely made up. The MSNBC Article The link that is given doesn't work anymore. But using the wayback ...
tim's user avatar
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59 votes

Did Andrew Tate claim his job was to seduce women and get them on a webcam?

Yes, it was on his website But the process to verify that is convoluted, so bear with me: The quote was posted to his website ( Someone backed that page up to the Internet Archive in ...
Laurel's user avatar
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58 votes

Did UK hospital tell the police that a patient was not raped because the alleged attacker was transgender?

Background The question is in fact solely based on remarks made in a House of Lords debate by Baroness Emma Nicholson on 16 March 2022. The newspaper reports I would suggest have no value as they are ...
thelawnet's user avatar
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56 votes

Was a 15-year-old teen sentenced to 15 years because he took 5 seconds to stop intercourse with an 18-year-old?

Was a 15 year old teen sentenced 15 years because he did not stop a 5 second intercourse with an 18 year old quickly enough? No, there was a conviction but the conviction was overturned, and ...
coteyr's user avatar
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44 votes

Did the German justice system convict a woman for insulting a person who gang raped a minor?

The Hamburg newspaper, Morgenpost reported on 16 Jun 2024, in an article Stadtpark-Vergewaltigung – Frau hetzt gegen Beschuldigten: „Ekelhafte Missgeburt“ (City park rape – woman incites against ...
Eike Pierstorff's user avatar
41 votes

In Alabama, if a person is found not guilty of rape, is their accuser assumed to be lying?

No. The more I read this claim, the more and more messier I realize it is. The Tweet claims several things: There is a law in Alabama about false accusation of rape. That law states that if a person ...
HDE 226868's user avatar
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40 votes

Was Isaac Asimov notorious for groping women?

One of the links in the original Io9 article seems to be a reasonable repository of evidence for Asimov's groping. The blog links to images from the rare books collection at NIU Dekalb, which hosted ...
KAI's user avatar
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29 votes

Was a 15-year-old teen sentenced to 15 years because he took 5 seconds to stop intercourse with an 18-year-old?

The claim as stated contains errors and purposefully excludes relevant information. Baby - the alleged rapist in question - was not 14 or 15, but 16: [...] appellant, who was sixteen years old at the ...
tim's user avatar
  • 52k
26 votes

Were American female soldiers in Iraq or Afghanistan more likely to be raped by their fellow soldiers than attacked by the enemy?

Unclear, but a still considered a serious problem. With the parameters of the statement provided, it is difficult to definitively confirm or refute it. In order to do so we would would need to know ...
rjzii's user avatar
  • 17k
24 votes

Did GOP senators say these things about Kavanaugh allegations?

Yes, these appear to be accurate quotes. Lindsay Graham, from the Washington Post: Woman who accused Brett Kavanaugh of sexual assault wants FBI to investigate incident before she testifies to Senate:...
BradC's user avatar
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23 votes

Are these rape statistics correct regarding rapes of black women by white men between 2003 and 2008 in USA?

These are not actually rape statistics, but survey results, which the image then incorrectly extrapolates from. According to Business Insider the BJS rejects the given interpretation of these numbers, ...
tim's user avatar
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22 votes

Did the city of Berlin set up safe zones for women for New Year’s Eve 2017/2018?

There will be an area for women to come if they feel harassed. Interestingly, this area is called "Women's Safety Area" (in English) even in German media so it seems to be the official name....
Common Guy's user avatar
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21 votes

Did rape crime drop by 90% in Orlando in 1966 due to women firearms training?

The claim that guns were a causal factor in rapes going down in Orlando is from a paper from Gary Kleck, a legitimate criminologist from Florida State. I believe that it is this article, but it doesn'...
KAI's user avatar
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21 votes

Did Ivana Trump claim under oath that she had been raped by Donald Trump?

The court documents are sealed and thus not available. Some of the them were still obtained by the New York Daily News, but the deposition in question is missing and was possibly destroyed in a fire. ...
tim's user avatar
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19 votes

Were systematic mass rapes committed during the 7 October 2023 attacks in Israel?

The UN (SRSG-SVC) mission report linked by Dan Romik appears to stop short of using the word 'systematic' as such, but does say there were multiple, credible reports, e.g.: Based on the information ...
Believe it or not...'s user avatar
17 votes

Is this a photo of an actual ad posted by sex traffickers?

The verifiable facts: On Feb 1st, 2017, the "Costa Rica Star" reported that a school district in San Diego performed a sweep which arrested 400 in connection to sex trafficking, featuring a cropped ...
Edwin Buck's user avatar
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17 votes

Is a woman who dresses sexually suggestively more likely to get raped?

The odd thing about this question—of whether women who dress in a more sexually provocative way are more likely to be raped or otherwise sexually abused—is that people's beliefs about it have been ...
Kodiologist's user avatar
17 votes

Have 5% of Australian Catholic priests been charged with child sexual abuse offences?

This one surprised me. I had started writing an answer suggesting that this was most likely a misunderstanding of a claim by Professor Des Cahill to a Victorian state inquiry in 2012: AT LEAST one ...
Oddthinking's user avatar
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17 votes

Are Germans buying anti-rape "safety shorts"?

They do exist (the shop is here; they have two different models), but are likely not bought in huge numbers. Focus - a more or less reliable German news magazine - had an article about this in January ...
tim's user avatar
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16 votes

Have 5% of Australian Catholic priests been charged with child sexual abuse offences?

Referring to RMIT professor Des Cahill's 2012 analysis, the answer is yes to the '1 in 20' figure based on a population of 378 Corpus Christi priests graduating between 1940 and 1966 out of which 14 ...
pericles316's user avatar
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15 votes

Did a German judge acquit a man of rape because he is Turkish?

No. The official press release makes it clear that the Turkish origin of the accused was not relevant to the decision. The source for this claim is generally this Märkische Allgemeine article. It ...
tim's user avatar
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15 votes

Did the city of Berlin set up safe zones for women for New Year’s Eve 2017/2018?

RBB summarizes it after the night as: Zum ersten Mal hatte es auf der Festmeile einen gesonderten Anlaufpunkt für Frauen gegeben, die sich sexuell bedrängt oder belästigt fühlen. Die in einem DRK-...
Christian's user avatar
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15 votes

Is one in five women the victim of rape/sexual assault?

FCKH8 is a US-based company, and presumably they are referring to women from the USA. I am going to take a liberty and substitute in the similar rich Western cultures of UK and Australia, purely so I ...
Oddthinking's user avatar
  • 144k
14 votes

Does New York City have a room for teachers suspected of sexually assaulting pupils?

It seems it is, or at least was. Wikipedia has a summary of the practice with more references. Searching on the net I found this article in the New Yorker claiming that this was a common thing in ...
Paul Johnson's user avatar
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13 votes

Were there 19,000 rapes in the US military in 2011?

According to the 7 November 2013 New York Times article Reports of Military Sexual Assault Rise Sharply Last summer that survey found that about 26,000 men and women in the military were sexually ...
DavePhD's user avatar
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13 votes

Do 90% of rape cases in the UK go unreported?

For the claim, as represented by the image: Do 90% of rapes go unreported in the UK? Rigorously correct wording doesn't usually translate well to social media memes, but there is some quality data ...
De Novo's user avatar
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