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50 votes

Did a lightning strike make a river roll and boil?

This is not a lightning strike. It's an underwater blasting explosion Snopes covered this a few days ago. Here's the article. The video was originally posted to YouTube in 2012 to host it for this ...
A Bailey's user avatar
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38 votes

Do metal objects attract lightning?

From Lightning Science: Five Ways Lightning Strikes People: Metal does not attract lightning, but it provides a path for the lightning to follow. Most indoor lightning casualties and some outdoor ...
Hilmar's user avatar
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8 votes

Is Nikola Tesla the only scientist to successfully create ball lightning?

He is not the only one to reproduce ball lightning. Mysterious 'Ball Lightning' Recreated In The Lab [GIFS] From a NASA site (PDF): At last the discovery of how to produce ball lightning on a command ...
user37323's user avatar
7 votes

Do mobile phones attract lightning strikes if they are not switched off?

No, mobile phones do not attract lightning strikes. NPR specifically addressed this BMJ article in Debunking the Cell Phone-Lightning Connection on August 2, 2006: You may have heard something a ...
Dave Sherohman's user avatar
4 votes

In a lightning storm, is it safer to stand near a beech tree than near an oak tree?

A quick Google Scholar search served me up as the top hit this fine paper from 1912. It concludes that all trees are at risk of being struck... yet it also reports European statistics on "...
Mike Serfas's user avatar
1 vote

Is Nikola Tesla the only scientist to successfully create ball lightning?

He is not the only but beyond doubt was the first one. According to Ball lightnings in Tesla's lab: The adjustments should be made with particular care when the transmitter is one of great power, not ...
Steve's user avatar
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