84 votes

Has Biden spent 40% of his presidency on vacation?

If you count all weekend days as "on vacation", which this accounting does, that's almost 29% right there, while the remaining 11% is composed of other days when Biden was not at the White ...
antlersoft's user avatar
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Has Biden spent 40% of his presidency on vacation?

No. The answer by @antlersoft points out that Fox News' accounting includes weekends in their definition of "vacation". And yet, in normal colloquial American English, no one uses the word &...
Dan Romik's user avatar
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51 votes

Did Joe Biden mumble/stutter after saying "America is a nation that can be defined in a single word"?

President Biden answers the (self-asked) question by starting an anecdote about talking to Xi Jinping on the subject. He briefly gets tongued-tied while trying to say "I was in the foothills of ...
Oddthinking's user avatar
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39 votes

Has Biden spent 40% of his presidency on vacation?

Not in the way anyone thinks of a "vacation". You and I think "vacation" means "not working". The numbers use "vacation" to mean "not in the White House&...
Schwern's user avatar
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27 votes

Did the US government claim that it has the right to control "cognitive infrastructure", i.e. thoughts?

No, but Judge Doughty implied elsewise in his ruling From point 28 of the Missouri v. Biden ruling by Judge Doughty: On November 21, 2021, CISA Director Easterly reported that CISA is “beefing up its ...
Sean Duggan's user avatar
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9 votes

Has Biden spent 40% of his presidency on vacation?

Biden’s “vacations”, according to a NY Post article, consisted mostly of “personal overnight trips away from the White House”. That means he probably takes a helicopter to his home in Delaware to ...
monfster's user avatar
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1 vote

Did the US government claim that it has the right to control "cognitive infrastructure", i.e. thoughts?

Mind you, I'm not an expert, but I found this information suggesting that "confidence in election procedures" is part of the critical functions (defined at National Critical Functions and ...
Michael Viera's user avatar
1 vote

How many grandchildren does Joe Biden have?

Until July 28, 2023, Joe Biden did not publicly acknowledge the existence of his seventh grandchild, who was age four at the time. Many news stories described the situation as Joe Biden "not ...
Ellie Kesselman's user avatar

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