Is honey toxic when heated up in tea?
Let me start off with my conclusion as a chemist...
I absolutely don't believe that heating honey in hot water would make the liquid indigestible or toxic.
The claim
The webpages cited by the OP,...
Can honey help heal wounds?
In short, yes. Picking one of the first recent publications to come up in my search for "honey wound healing", I give you Honey and Wound Healing: An Update (DOI 10.1007/s40257-016-0247-8), which "...
Does Honey Promote Tooth Decay or Prevent It?
It's important to begin by discussing the mechanism that drives tooth decay:
Chapter 99 – Microbiology of Dental Decay and Periodontal Disease. Loesche. Medical Microbiology. 1996.
Dental ...
Can honey help heal wounds?
In another short: be careful with an unconditional "yes".
There are differences in honeys and conditions.
Honey can be a very effective treatment for a number of superficial wounds. And that is not ...
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