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124 votes

Did hominids and non-avian dinosaurs ever coexist?

No. Non-avian dinosaurs were extinct about 65 million years ago, as the most recent dinosaur bone was directly dated as being 64.8 ± 0.9 Ma old. The second dinosaur bone sample from Paleocene ...
Sklivvz's user avatar
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66 votes

Is the discovery of tuff amongst dinosaur fossils in Utah incompatible with scientific consensus about dating of the fossils?

Has tuff found amongst the deposits at the Dinosaur National Monument? Yes. The most famous section of the rocks in Morrison Formation in Dinosaur National Monument, the Brushy Basin Member, is chock ...
David Hammen's user avatar
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27 votes

Have coelacanth fossils younger than 65 million years been found?

According to a Nature article from 1998 this is true (or at least, was in 1998). Coelacanths were known for decades, but only as fossils. They appeared in the fossil record around 370 million years ...
PhillS's user avatar
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21 votes

Did hominids and non-avian dinosaurs ever coexist?

There is a simple factual response based on the fossil record, "No. Dinosaurs and people did not coexist" but this does not really answer the question "did humans draw dinosaurs?" -- with the implicit ...
BurnsBA's user avatar
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14 votes

Are Caesarian births having an impact on human evolution?

The BBC article is based on this recent paper: Cliff-edge model of obstetric selection in humans that was published in October 26, 2016. It is a bit too soon to see what post-publication peer-review ...
Oddthinking's user avatar
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Were humans placed on Earth by aliens?

Ellis Silver takes a number of features of human physiology, claims they are inexplicable by evolution, and comes to the extreme conclusion that aliens placed humans on Earth. However, each of the ...
Oddthinking's user avatar
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10 votes

Are most christians evolutionists and most evolutionists christian?

Yes, on both counts. This is based on a newer version of the same Pew survey DavePhD used (his was from 2007, mine from 2014). The new version directly provides numbers for the first question rather ...
TheBlackCat's user avatar
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Are most christians evolutionists and most evolutionists christian?

This varies by country. For international information see European Christians are at the forefront in accepting evolution: results from an internet-based survey Evolution & Development, 12 (6), ...
DavePhD's user avatar
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8 votes

Is the level of support for evolution decreasing in Europe?

There was a very detailed evolution/creation survey done in September 2010 across numerous counties. This is only one time point, but by comparing the views of younger people to older people in ...
DavePhD's user avatar
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Does the Catholic church accept evolution?

More recently than the other answers Pope Francis gave an address to the Pontifical Academy of Sciences on 27 October 2014 ... When we read the account of Creation in Genesis we risk imagining that ...
mmmmmm's user avatar
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Archaic admixture in Africans

Why is it not accurate to compare this 19% or 8% figure to the 3% Neanderthal figure for Eurasians? In short, because: 19% is an upper bound (the 2% lower bound sounds less dramatic) That 19% is ...
IMSoP's user avatar
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Are new genes created through duplication?

Gene duplication is a very important way of creating new genes and hence it helps organisms to evolve. Once a gene is duplicated, the "spare" copy of the gene is effectively not needed by the cell, ...
hdhondt's user avatar
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Did Richard Dawkins say Pope John Paul II was a hypocrite about Darwinism?

This has to be the same quote mentioned by Doug Linder: Dawkins makes no secret of his distain for the distinction so critical to the Pope John Paul’s 1996 speech on evolution: I suppose it is ...
Laurel's user avatar
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4 votes

Did every signer of the Declaration of independence (US) said they believed that men and women were created?

Yes. We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights The Declaration of Independence
DavePhD's user avatar
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3 votes

Did hominids and non-avian dinosaurs ever coexist?

Hominidae Temporal range: Miocene–present, 17 – 0 Mya Dinosaur Temporal range: Late Triassic–Present, 233.23 – 0 Mya all non-avian dinosaurs, estimated to have been 628-1078 species, as well as many ...
Mazura's user avatar
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1 vote

Are Caesarian births having an impact on human evolution?

I got hung up on your phrase "This is only a couple of generations, which I do not think is enough for evolutionary effects to present themselves." You seem to think that an evolutionary effect ...
bers's user avatar
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