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98 votes

Do beef farmed pastures net remove carbon emissions?

No. This is not really an infographic that is truthful. It is 'anecdotal evidence' evidence for one farm, very probably not true for that very farm, and in any case a misleading oversimplification. ...
LangLаngС's user avatar
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31 votes

Are 93% of meat worker marriages in shambles?

I messaged the creator of the video, asking: In one of your videos you write "The FDA estimates that 93% of meat worker marriages are in shambles". is that just a joke or do you have a source for ...
Avery's user avatar
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13 votes

Do beef farmed pastures net remove carbon emissions?

Here's something nobody ever seems to ask: What's the alternative? Surely we aren't picturing a pastureland that would have been paved over with asphalt, if not for this heroic rancher? Certainly in a ...
T.E.D.'s user avatar
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13 votes

Do beef farmed pastures net remove carbon emissions?

Some of it is close to factual data for one particular farm in Nova Scotia. The infographic was based on calculations from this Wild Mountain Farm. The calculations were made with a calculator that ...
SZCZERZO KŁY's user avatar
12 votes

Does cow urine contain gold?

Summary: Gold is found in trace amounts all over the place, including cow urine. Gold is found in trace amounts in many things. From the report Gold Content of Water, Plants, and Animals. Sea ...
BobTheAverage's user avatar
12 votes

Does cow urine contain gold?

According to Metabolomic and elemental analysis of camel and bovine urine by GC–MS and ICP–MS Saudi Journal of Biosciences volume 24, pages 23-29 (January 2017): Bovine urine contained 0.005673 ppm ...
DavePhD's user avatar
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9 votes

Do cows get blown through the air by tornadoes?

I wrote this before I realized this is the same video linked in the question. Rather than deleting it, I think digging into its background and the credibility of the source is worth an answer even if ...
Schwern's user avatar
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6 votes

Is lactose intolerance an outdated diagnosis for discomfort after milk ingestion?

Summary The estimation of prevalence of lactose intolerance may be too high because of: surveys in which they included individuals with self-diagnosed and not just officially diagnozed lactose ...
Jan's user avatar
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6 votes

Do cows get blown through the air by tornadoes?

I could not find any reference for cows. But the effects on strong winds in cyclones or tornadoes are well documented on the Fujita and Enhanced Fujita scales and on a less used but tornado targetted ...
Serge Ballesta's user avatar
5 votes

Do beef farmed pastures net remove carbon emissions?

First, it's important to mention that not all carbon is created equal. That is, some greenhouse gases are much worse than others. But in the interest of the claim, let's look at carbon, only.* With ...
Sanchises's user avatar
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2 votes

Do beef farmed pastures net remove carbon emissions?

The way the answer is put no, not at all. There are lots of metrics above so I won't repeat anything. But I will state the obvious: The pasture land will sequester carbon regardless of the operation ...
Stefanos Zilellis's user avatar

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