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185 votes

Did the @POTUS Twitter account use a picture from Obama's inauguration for its cover image?

It is a photo from Getty Images covering Obama's 2009 inauguration. Barack Obama's Presidential Inauguration at Capitol Building, Washington DC Credit: carterdayne [...] The inauguration ...
rougon's user avatar
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171 votes

Has Trump's administration been making more human trafficking arrests than the Obama administration?

The earliest mention online - and thus likely the source for this - seems to be The numbers for 2010 to 2016 are official statistics - the 2016 numbers are directly from ICE, the ...
tim's user avatar
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143 votes

Did more people use the DC Metro transit system on the day of Trump's inauguration than on the day of Obama's second inauguration (in 2013)?

More people used Metro on Obama's second inaugural than on Trump's first. Spicer was comparing second Obama inaugural 11 am ridership (317,000) with Trump's full-day ridership (570,500). Trump's 11 ...
antlersoft's user avatar
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142 votes

Did Obama defy precedent by not visiting the D-Day monument?

No, he did not. Snopes says: In fact, any public presidential activity paying tribute to fallen U.S. and Allied soldiers on the anniversary of D-Day has been an exception rather than the rule in ...
tim's user avatar
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131 votes

Were illegally immigrating children held in cages during the Obama administration?

Yes. Probably less of them than under Trump but there were kids in cages and kids separated from their families under Obama. Those photos of immigrant children “caged” by the US? They’re from 2014 (...
Murphy's user avatar
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126 votes

Did Obama defy precedent by not visiting the D-Day monument?

The daily schedules of past US presidents are, in many cases, publicly available. So just for completeness, let's try to collect a list of what the sitting President was doing on June 6 of every year....
125 votes

Are these pictures of Osama Bin Laden with Obama, Rice and Hillary Clinton authentic?

Hillary Clinton: Fake Snopes explains A photograph of Hillary Clinton shaking hands with terrorist mastermind Osama bin Laden has circulated online (divorced from its original context) ever since ...
Oddthinking's user avatar
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106 votes

Did Barack Obama keep 33 million pages of documents, including nuclear weapons documents?

No that is not accurate according to politifact and it is the national archives that have control Trump’s suggestion that Obama had personally kept millions of documents including classified ...
Joe W's user avatar
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99 votes

Did 122 Guantanamo prisoners released by Obama return to the battlefield?

Snopes checked these numbers, using a report from the Office of the Director of National Intelligence: The majority of prisoners were released under Bush. Only a small percentage of those released ...
tim's user avatar
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92 votes

Are these photos of protests posters against the Obama Administration real?

Yes they are real. Effigy burning. The event was organised by pastor Terry Jones in January 2013. It was uploaded to Youtube and the entire 54 minutes long thing can be viewed. The burning starts at ...
SIMEL's user avatar
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78 votes

Did Michelle Obama have a staff of 23 people, while Melania has a staff of 4?

As for the challenged claim, that is a qualified yes (Michelle's staff was larger than Melania's, but not by that much, and there were reasons for it). The Hill writes in an article dated October 2017:...
DevSolar's user avatar
  • 19.1k
73 votes

Were illegally immigrating children held in cages during the Obama administration?

Were children separated from their parents when they were caught on the Mexican border by US officials as illegal immigrants before Trump's introduction of zero tolerance immigration policy? Yes, ...
Paul Johnson's user avatar
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70 votes

Did President Obama institute immigration restrictions in 2011 that were similar to Trump's Jan 2017 immigration restrictions?

There are very significant differences between the 2011 restrictions and the 2017 executive order. The most important is that 2011 was a increased vetting and not an actual ban. Refugees continued to ...
DJClayworth's user avatar
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68 votes

Did President Obama state he was close to starting a war with North Korea?

No, because President Trump is apparently basing his statement on a meeting he had with President Obama and his aides shortly after Trump won the November 2016 election and some of the people present ...
jeffronicus's user avatar
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63 votes

Did the FBI plant an informant in the Trump campaign during the Obama administration?

tl;dr: The claim is based on a misrepresentation or misinterpretation of testimony by a co-founder of Fusion GPS. There is no evidence that there ever was an embedded FBI informant in the Trump ...
tim's user avatar
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63 votes

Did Barack Obama keep 33 million pages of documents, including nuclear weapons documents?

No. The National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) states they have about 30 million paged of unclassified records from the Obama administration in a NARA facility near Chicago in accordance ...
Schwern's user avatar
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48 votes

Did more people use the DC Metro transit system on the day of Trump's inauguration than on the day of Obama's second inauguration (in 2013)?

Comparable numbers are not being used in the press briefing statement. The 420,000 number can not be compared to the 317,000 number. The 317,000 number in the OP is correct for ridership up to ...
DavePhD's user avatar
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40 votes

Does Barack Obama have an active quora profile?

Quora have a verified profile system which states The verified checkmark icon appears on profile pages for well-known and high-visibility public figures in general interest domains like business, ...
Jamiec's user avatar
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28 votes

Does Trump spend $10m/month travelling compared to Obama's $1m/month?

Here is an article From December 2016 citing $96m as President Obama's travel expenses over 8 years. Found here Watchdog: Obama's 'Vacation, Political Travel' Cost $100M Over 8 Years Cited article ...
Zack's user avatar
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26 votes

Has Trump's administration been making more human trafficking arrests than the Obama administration?

A reddit thread has attributed as a source for this graphic to this link. The numbers for Trump are sourced from individual news stories, the numbers for Obama are sourced from composite numbers ...
Jeff Lambert's user avatar
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24 votes

Did the FBI plant an informant in the Trump campaign during the Obama administration?

Update: The New York Times published an article on this so detailed that it seems to supplant all previous information about this informant, at least pending further information: F.B.I. Used Informant ...
Zach Lipton's user avatar
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22 votes

Did the Obama administration halt processing of Iraqi refugees back in 2011?

No. While the 2013 ABC report cites unnamed officials as the source, several named Obama officials have since spoken out to challenge this report. Furthermore, data on Iraqi refugees entering the U.S....
ff524's user avatar
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22 votes

Did Obama's administration bug Trump Tower?

The DOJ says that there is no factual basis for this claim: "Both FBI and NSD confirm that they have no records related to wiretaps as described by the March 4, 2017 tweets," the government said, ...
tim's user avatar
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17 votes

Did President Obama institute immigration restrictions in 2011 that were similar to Trump's Jan 2017 immigration restrictions?

I have written an answer to the duplicate challenging the facts as asserted in the question. The rest of the answer addresses a difference between the 2017 executive order and a hypothetical 6-month ...
ff524's user avatar
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16 votes

Has Trump's administration been making more human trafficking arrests than the Obama administration?

NO. Arrests statistics were lower in 2017 than 2016. As has been pointed out the 2017 numbers shown in the chart are for all arrests by every agency - state, local and federal - made worldwide. The ...
Mark Billison's user avatar
15 votes

Is the curtain behind Obama in this picture a "muslim prayer curtain"?

I am a Muslim and I find the claim laughable. There is no such thing as Muslim prayer curtain in Islam. This is completely false and has been debunked by multiple reliable sources. Snopes (a website ...
Sakib Arifin's user avatar
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14 votes

Are white people who believe Obama is Muslim largely Trump sympathisers?

Philip Klinkner, writing for Vox, cites the 2016 American National Election Study (ANES) pilot survey as the source of this number. But, the stated purpose of the study is to test questions for ...
ff524's user avatar
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14 votes

Did Michelle Obama have a staff of 23 people, while Melania has a staff of 4?

This claim dates back to July 2018, and is based on a report from 1 July 2017, less than a month after Melania became the First Lady. Snopes fact-checked it and explains that it is misleading: ...
Oddthinking's user avatar
  • 144k
14 votes

Are these claims about the changes in the economy during Obama accurate?

Mostly correct and accurate On a glance, the numbers are entirely plausible. Obama took office during the Great Recession and his opening numbers will reflect a poor economic situation. He left office ...
Schwern's user avatar
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13 votes

Did Obama have a policy of "separating [migrant] families"?

By no reasonable standard did the Obama administration have a policy of separating minors. To make sure we set the scene, the current (2019) Trump administration has a policy that when children and ...
DJClayworth's user avatar
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