
According to the infographic's webpage, the data source for these statistics is the [2014 National Crime Victimization Survey (NCVS)][1], which is conducted annually by the Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS). The NCVS reports numbers about **rape and sexual assault**. The infographic reports the same numbers but talks only about **rape**. I find this misleading.

Page 13 of the NCVS details their definition of rape and a separate definition of sexual assault. Table 12 on page 14 reports that completed and attempted rape together account for 53% of the rape and sexual assault incidents.

Table 6 on page 7 of the 2014 NCVS reports that a 33.6% rate of sexual assaults and rapes are reported to police. The infographic reports 31.0% of rapes. [On another part of their webpage][2], they state that they use 5 year averages to smooth out anomalies. That would explain this small difference.

The reported statistic is only correct if we assume that rapes and sexual assaults are reported to the police at the same rate. I see no reason to make that assumption. There is a chance that that assumption is approximately true, and they are getting that data from another source, but I don't see any indication of that.

The other cited statistics do not have as clear of a source. The webpage cites its sources, but does not make clear which facts come from what source. Their attempt at transparency is frustratingly opaque. Hopefully I will be able to find time soon to search through their stats.

  [1]: https://www.bjs.gov/content/pub/pdf/cv14.pdf
  [2]: https://www.rainn.org/about-rainns-statistics