I caught a headline on a Lithuanian technology news website, that claimed that an ascending rocket has managed to "Tear a rainbow (sun dog) apart" (my translation, the headline contains other catch phrases as well) [NASA raketa suplėšė vaivorykštę (Video)][1] The article contains the video ([Sonic Boom Meets Sun Dog 720p][2]) and cites the expert of atmospheric optics Les Cowley, explaining this phenomenon. The thing is, I have seen a lot of rocket launches, but I have never seen an atmospheric ripple effect like this before and that is the thing that I'm skeptic about. The video has 1.8M views, it is also referenced on [its okay to be smart][3] blog [1]: http://www.technologijos.lt/n/mokslas/idomusis_mokslas/S-69609/straipsnis/Kasdien-to-nepamatysite-stai-ka-gali-galingos-garso-bangos---kildama-NASA-raketa-suplese-vaivorykste-Video [2]: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SsDEfu8s1Lw [3]: https://www.itsokaytobesmart.com/post/13894391344/sonic-boom-meets-sun-dog-i-love-it-when-two