It's not a quote, but a liberal interpretation of Chisolm's Essay: The Reestablishment of Peacetime Society: The Role of Psychology. Chisolm is arguing, on the heels of World War 2, future wars must be avoided at all costs. The only viable option is a world government. He says, what prevents peace from occurring, is an insufficient number of mature adults at any given time. The prevailing immaturity is caused by insecurity, fear and greed. All violence stems from this immaturity. Conversely, maturity is primarily an adaptability and willingness to compromise. The root of insecurity is fear and greed, and is passed through elders, religious authorities; any type of "local certanties", aka conservatism. To clear oneself of prejudices, in order to build a stable world government -which is the only way to end inevitable, constant wars- one must rid themselves of these corrupting influences of local, conservative forces.
"...Man's freedom to observe and to think freely is as essential to his survival as are the specific methods of survival of the other species to them. Birds must fly, fish must swim, herbivorous animals must eat grasses and cereals, and man must observe and think freely. That freedom, present in all children and known as innocence, has been destroyed or crippled by local certainties, by gods of local moralities, of local loyalty, of personal salvation, of prejudice and hate and intolerance -frequently masquerading as love - gods of everything that would destroy freedom to observe and to think and would keep each generation under the control of the old people, the elders, the shamans, and the priests."