Wheat from the United States that was given as a gift to India was dumped into the ocean:
According to [Parliamentary Debates: Official Report][1], Volume 133, Issue 12
a) Out of 1444 tonnes. of gift wheat unloaded by an American Vessel at Beypore, a minor port in Kerala, in April, 1984; 1353 tonnes of wheat has been dumped into the sea upto 25 March, 1985 and further action to dump 91 tonnes of wheat is progress. This wheat was dumped into the sea because the Health Inspector had certified it as unfit for human consumption and recommended its destruction.
(b) This wheat was donated by the United States for free distribution by Catholic Relief Services in India under the Indo-US Agreement.
(c) As this wheat was unfit for human consumption and fit for destruction, its value should be treated as nil.
The Catholic Relief Services employed a contractor, but the labourers were not allowed to handle the cargo at Beypore or at rail-head. The port labourers who handled the cargo at the time of landing, did not allow any outside labour to handle the cargo, and the labourers at West-Hill - Rail Head would not allow outside labourers to handle the cargo there. The Contractor, therefore, withdrew. Calicut customs were not in favour of movement by road to Cochin under custon, bond for want of sufficientt staff to accompany the trucks. The cargo had become a health hazard and the Health Inspector issued a . certificate on 15 November 1984, declaring the entire cargo of 1444 tonnes to be unfit for human consumption and recommended its destruction.
The article also explains that before going to Beypore: "It was brought Bombay on 6 April, 1984 when there was a general strike at many ports "
So, the gift wheat, was brought from the United States, but due to strike add labor disputes and red tape, it was not unloaded and became unfit for consumption and was dumped in the ocean.
[1]: https://books.google.com/books?id=ZURPAQAAMAAJ&q=%22)%20Out%20of%201444%20tonnes.%20of%20gift%20wheat%20unloaded%20by%20an%20American%20Vessel%20at%20Beypore,%20a%20minor%20port%20in%20Kerala,%20in%20April,%201984;%201353%20tonnes%20of%20wheat%20has%20been%20dumped%20into%20the%20sea%20upto%2025%20March,%201935%20and%20further%20action%20to%20dump%2091%20tonnes%20of%20wheat%20is%20%22&dq=%22)%20Out%20of%201444%20tonnes.%20of%20gift%20wheat%20unloaded%20by%20an%20American%20Vessel%20at%20Beypore,%20a%20minor%20port%20in%20Kerala,%20in%20April,%201984;%201353%20tonnes%20of%20wheat%20has%20been%20dumped%20into%20the%20sea%20upto%2025%20March,%201935%20and%20further%20action%20to%20dump%2091%20tonnes%20of%20wheat%20is%20%22&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjundLxwr_RAhWGRiYKHRQlDYMQ6AEIGjAA