Since Conway said the subject of her statement wasn't reported in the media, we should include attacks that didn't gain major media attention. tldr; **there aren't any of these either**.

The [Global Terrorism Database][1] records all attacks, including those with little or no major press coverage and including those that are unsuccessful or where it is ambiguous or debatable whether the attack should be classed as terrorism or not.

[Here are all incidents in the US from 2011:][2]

[![enter image description here][3]][3]

Even by these loose criteria, none of these can be called a massacre, and none are related to any of the places called Bowling Green in the US.


To give two additional sources (these are less authoritative than the GTD and are included simply to test the possibility that there was something that for some reason the GTD might have excluded):

- [Infoplease maintain a list of "Terrorist Attacks in the U.S. or Against Americans"][4]. They have only one entry for 2011 which clearly doesn't fit:

  > **2011** Jan. 17, Spokane, Washington: a pipe bomb is discovered along the route of the Martin Luther King, Jr. memorial march. The bomb, a "viable device" set up to spray marchers with shrapnel and to cause multiple casualties, is defused without any injuries.

- Wikipedia maintain lists of "terrorist incidents" in [early]( and [late]( 2011. Neither has any entry for the US (these lists are flagged as "incomplete", so the lack of any items doesn't prove anything on its own, it's just an example of an alternate source that might have shown something missed by other sources, but didn't).  


So, no sources have anything remotely resembling a US "Bowling Green Massacre" committed by refugees in the US, including sources like the GTD that attempt to be exhaustive and cover incidents without major media coverage.
