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Questions tagged [young-earth-creationism]

The subset of creationism (that is the movement opposed to the idea of darwinian evolution, believing life to be directly created by god) who also believe the earth was created recently (usually < 100,000 years ago).

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-6 votes
2 answers

Can science explain the anomalous properties of water?

According to proponents of the so-called Intelligent Design (for example, here, here, and here), the unique properties of water that allow for the existence of life cannot be explained by science and ...
Kevin Barnes's user avatar
54 votes
4 answers

Did hominids and non-avian dinosaurs ever coexist?

Although the extinction of the non-avian dinosaurs is dated at ~66 million years ago there are a number of purported cave drawings that I've found online that (if verified and interpreted in a certain ...
bondonk's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

Have scientists found 700,000-or-more visible annual ice layers?

For people who doubt radiometric dating, layer-counting may provide hard evidence for one or another minimum age of the earth. In its question-and-answer article on how the age of the earth is ...
elliot svensson's user avatar
10 votes
4 answers

Are results of carbon dating cross referenced by other methods?

Creationists make the claim that a global flood has messed up the precision of radiocarbon dating and hence, it cannot be relied upon. But if it is consistently cross-referenced by other methods, then ...
Gregory Reshetniak's user avatar
32 votes
1 answer

Is the discovery of tuff amongst dinosaur fossils in Utah incompatible with scientific consensus about dating of the fossils?

A Creation Ministries International article makes the following claim about the multiple-local-flood explanation for the deposits at the Morrison Formation: The idea of many local floods might at ...
Shannon T's user avatar
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16 votes
1 answer

Have coelacanth fossils younger than 65 million years been found?

In a Creation Ministries International article, they make the following claim about coelacanths: Paleontologists believed that coelacanths went extinct about 65 million years ago. However, in 1938, ...
Shannon T's user avatar
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15 votes
2 answers

Has the speed of light significantly slowed down over the past 6,000 years?

One of the problems for young-Earth creationism is that we are seeing light from stars more than 6,000 light-years away, which implies that those stars pre-date the alleged date of the creation. To ...
Paul Johnson's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Are new genes created through duplication?

In an creationist article, about molecular virologist, Dr Yingguang Liu, it says: Evolutionists commonly invoke ‘duplication’ as a way to create brand new genes. A copying error can lead to an ...
Lucian09474's user avatar
38 votes
1 answer

Are there too few Supernova Remnants to support the Milky Way being billions of years old?

In this Creation magazine reprint of a 1994 article titled Exploding stars point to a young universe, Young-Earth Creationist, Jonathan Sarfati argues that the scarcity of Supernova remnants (SNRs) ...
Lucian09474's user avatar
7 votes
1 answer

Have paleontologists systematically ignored dinosaur DNA that does not match the evolutionary model?

A 2009 paper from Institute for Creation Research claims that the reason no DNA has been successfully extracted from dinosaur remains is because any results that don't fit the evolutionary model are ...
IAS's user avatar
  • 73
10 votes
1 answer

In 2014, did nearly half of all Americans believe in Creationism?

A 2014 poll by Gallup seems to say that in the U.S., 42% believe Creationist view of human origins. Is this really true? Are any of the claims from this study dubious?
LCIII's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

Did Nylon eating bacteria come about due to an increase in genetic information?

I found this video by a creationist who claims that the nylon eating ability of bacteria was not the result of an increase in genetic information. Does he actually have a point or is he wrong? https:/...
Ovi's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

Did granite form instantly?

Is it true that granite has formed in a matter of hours as described (and explained) in "Fingerprints of creation" by Robert Gentry ( The following simple analogy ...
lakistrike's user avatar
5 votes
0 answers

Do marine invertebrates outnumber plants in the fossil record 19:1?

I found this claim in this Creationist YouTube video. 95% of all fossils are marine invertebrates. Of the remaining 5%, 95% are algae and plant fossils. 95% of the remaining 0.25% are other ...
Adam Phelps's user avatar
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0 votes
1 answer

Is Carbon-14 found in all strata?

In a recent creationist video, he oh-so-subtly mentioned that there was the isotope carbon-14 (14C) not only in all layers of strata, but in equal amounts too, and that this was somehow proof of a ...
Goodies's user avatar
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103 votes
1 answer

Was this 4th grader's creationist quiz on "Dinosaurs: Genesis and the Gospel" real?

Is this 4th grader's creationist quiz real or a hoax? Text: 100 A+ Date: 3/28/13 4th grade Science Quiz: Dinosaurs: Genesis and the Gospel True or False: The earth is billions of years old. True or ...
TomOnTime's user avatar
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10 votes
2 answers

Did Pangaea exist?

I recently had an argument with a conspiracy theory type who had a bunch of strange ideas about a number of pretty well established scientific phenomenon. One that I had never heard before, nor can I ...
zakdegrassi's user avatar
20 votes
1 answer

Are neanderthal skull fossils just skulls of very elderly humans?

Some people claim that the fossils that have been generally classified as Neanderthal are actually human, and in particular, humans who have lived to a very old age - i.e. two or three hundred years ...
user avatar
9 votes
2 answers

Did the Earth have so little oxygen that dinosaurs couldn't exist?

Noted Young-Earth Creationist Kent Hovind made a claim in a 2007 video that suggested that the idea of dinosaurs living on Earth millions of years ago was implauseable if the oxygen levels were the at ...
user avatar
12 votes
3 answers

Could life begin by chance?

Evolutionists generally believe that although the spontaneous generation of life from non-living matter was a highly improbable event, the amount of time available is long enough to overcome this ...
greye1's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

Do radiometric dating labs throw out 8 of 10 specimens, and are the samples blinded?

I think that my question regarding KNM-ER 1470's and the change from previously believed "good dates" from methods other than the fossil record might be too broad. There is an aspect of the ...
user1873's user avatar
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24 votes
3 answers

Does the radioactivity on Hiroshima's soil affect radiometric dating?

I heard several times from creationists that now, if scientists would examine the land in Hiroshima, it will tell them it is millions of years old all because of the atom bomb. And because of that ...
Kristal's user avatar
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9 votes
2 answers

Is Y-chromosomal Adam younger than Mitochondrial Eve?

A Christian claimed to me that: the Y-chromosomal Adam is way younger than the Mitochondrial Eve. Is this true? He argued that this was consistent with the biblical account: that Noah is Y-...
user avatar
36 votes
4 answers

Are only 700 out of 480,000 life scientists creationists?

I've seen this claim stated in many places, for example the FAQ: Of the scientists and engineers in the United States, only about 5% are creationists, according to a 1991 Gallup poll (...
StackExchange saddens dancek's user avatar
31 votes
2 answers

Is the Moon young?

According to Dr. Thomas G. Barnes the Moon is much younger than claimed by the mainstream scientific community, by many orders of magnitude. The Giant impact hypothesis, one of the primary ...
Mark Rogers's user avatar
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108 votes
5 answers

Is the Earth 6000 years old?

Dr Kent Hovind, a noted American Young Earth creationist, claims that the Earth is only 6000 years old. When I was growing up, I was taught in school that dinosaurs come from at least millions of ...
Mark Rogers's user avatar
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