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Questions tagged [toilets]

A sanitation fixture used primarily for the disposal of human excrement and urine.

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3 votes
1 answer

Are people more likely to use the toilet stalls in the middle?

From Business Insider (and several other sources, albeit with debatable credibility): Research suggests you should avoid the middle stalls at all costs. A wealth of research shows that, given several ...
Shane's user avatar
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7 votes
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Are 40,000 Americans injured by toilets every year?

It is widely claimed across the internet that 40,000 Americans are injured every year by toilets. A Wikipedia article mentions it: Toilet related injuries are also surprisingly common, with some ...
pacoverflow's user avatar
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15 votes
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Does placing a fly on a urinal improve cleanliness in men's toilets?

Recently Richard Thaler won the Nobel Prize for Economics for his "Nudge" Theory. Pretty much every news agency (in the UK at least) has chosen to explain his theory by using the "Fly on a Urinal" ...
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12 votes
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Are objects such as towels, bank notes, carpets, shopping trolleys and light switches dirtier than a toilet seat?

Are objects such as towels, bank notes, carpet, shopping trolleys and light switches listed in blogs such as these and these really dirtier than an average toilet seat since Dr Chuck Gerba, professor ...
pericles316's user avatar
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28 votes
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Does defecating while sitting cause more strain than squatting?

This commercial1 from "Squatty Potty" claims that evacuating stool in a seated position is suboptimal for humans because we have a muscle that partially pinches the colon when seated. They claim that, ...
CircleSquared's user avatar
6 votes
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Can straining to defecate be lethal?

Elvis Presley and Don Simpson famously died going to the loo. However, both were heavy drug users, which was in both cases determined to have been the cause of death. However, this hasn't stopped ...
Anko's user avatar
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Is toilet paper roll orientation related to personality?

According to Over or under? The science of toilet paper orientation and Over or under? The great toilet paper debate ... some studies suggest that the answer is more than coincidence. For ...
Gnubie's user avatar
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2 votes
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No Wipe Poo - Possible? [closed]

I read an article that says scientists have developed a pill that will make this possible, you take one pill with every meal and you'll no longer need to wipe after a bowel movement. This new ...
Drahcir's user avatar
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13 votes
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Is there a church in Ireland that has as its ministry providing toilets for local pub patrons?

My pastor today preached an illustration which he received from John Upton, head of the Baptist World Alliance, a large missions organization. He tells this story (paraphrased) in order to illustrate ...
Affable Geek's user avatar
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6 votes
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Is it dangerous to stand or squat on a toilet seat?

I got a recent junk mail with the photo attached (Warning: graphic images of the alleged injuries) About the danger in pooping standing position and its result. This ...
Madhu's user avatar
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21 votes
1 answer

Do the commercially produced toilet seat covers significantly reduce the spread of disease?

In many public toilets there are disposable toilet seat covers that can be placed over the seat before sitting down. These covers certainly allay some of the "yuck factor" associated with placing one ...
DQdlM's user avatar
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26 votes
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Does standing closer to the urinal prevent urine splashes?

My work has a sign in the bathrooms requesting that you stand closer to the urinals to avoid splashing onto the floor. Is this actually a workable fact? My query is that if you stand closer, wouldn'...
Mark Mayo's user avatar
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Can toilet paper (together with bodily waste) alone cause a clog in the toilet

I've encountered it in several places, mainly in public/hotel toilets, but also in my sister's old apartment, where people are asked to not throw anything (except for bodily waste) including toilet ...
SIMEL's user avatar
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10 votes
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Are wall-mounted urinals more sanitary than floor mounted units?

Men's urinals can either be mounted on a wall, or can extend all the way to the floor. According to this page, floor mounted urinals are less desirable because: Floor Mount These units are ...
Affable Geek's user avatar
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Can urine aerosols reach my toothbrush if I pee standing up?

My girlfriend insisted that I should sit down in the future after reading this tip (German) for easier cleaning: When standing, the stream sprays up to 3.50 m far, as measured from a drop height of ...
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15 votes
2 answers

Are there airborne poop particles flying around bathrooms?

I've heard claims of airborne poop particles that fly into the air everytime one flushes a toilet. Here's some examples: HERE someone states that flushing the toilet "aerosolizes" water/poop into the ...
Hendy's user avatar
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14 votes
3 answers

Are toilet seats extremely unhygienic?

We've already seen a few questions about toilet hygiene but these styles of questions/myths more or less assume that toilet seats are the bottom of the hygienic barrel. Is this true? To wit, I have ...
MrHen's user avatar
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If I buy "flushable" wipes, can I flush them without problems?

I know they say "Flushable" right on the package, but are they? Do they break down fast enough to not cause problems in septic/sewer systems?
Tester101's user avatar
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Is chewing your finger nails as bad as licking a public toilet seat?

I've heard the above mentioned many times growing up that chewing your fingernails will expose you to more germs than to licking a public toilet seat. Apologies for the provacative title, but here ...
going's user avatar
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Is it more hygenic to keep the lid down on the toilet after use?

I remember a bit of folklore that suggested it was more hygienic to put the lid (that's the lid on the seat) down after use. Is this the case?
Phil Helix's user avatar
10 votes
4 answers

Do toilets that require squatting reduce birth complications in women?

When I was travelling in France, I encountered toilets without toilet seats. Essentially they require the user to squat. I was told that as a result, French women had fewer birth complications. Is it ...
mycat's user avatar
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60 votes
1 answer

Is cleaning yourself with toilet paper cleaner than using water?

As a Westener, I've always been raised to believe that the best way to clean most objects is warm water and soap - self, dishes, clothes, pretty much everything. Except what is probably thought of as ...
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