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Questions tagged [salt]

for questions about claims based on salt, a mineral primarily formed from sodium chloride (NaCl).

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12 votes
1 answer

Did the restaurant chain Olive Garden have warranty terms for their pots that prevent salting the cooking water?

In 2014, the hedge fund Starboard Value published a presentation criticising the business of the restaurant chain Olive Garden, a subsidiary of Darden Restaurants. The presentation claimed that: ...
sleske's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

Does excess salt in food cause thousands of deaths per annum in the UK?

The body responsible for promoting public health in England (prosaically called Public Health England) has faced recent criticism that it it has failed to secure sufficient reductions in the salt ...
matt_black's user avatar
  • 56.7k
14 votes
2 answers

Is refined table salt bleached?

Several sources claim that, during the refining process for table salt, bleach is used. Chris Beat Cancer Anyway, table salt is refined. That means it’s highly-processed. It is bleached, filtered,...
Oddthinking's user avatar
  • 145k
7 votes
1 answer

Does standard table salt contain anti-caking agents that prevent salts from disolving in our body?

FitLife writes in 10 amazing benefits of pink himalayan salt: Commercial refined salt is not only stripped of all its minerals, besides sodium and chloride, but is also chemically cleaned, bleached ...
Christian's user avatar
  • 34k
1 vote
1 answer

Does Himalayan Salt have positive effects on the pH balance inside the human body?

FitLive writes in 10 Amazing Benefits of Pink (Himalayan) Salt: Balance pH (alkaline/acidity) and help to reduce acid reflux Mercola makes the same claim in The 13 Amazing Health Benefits of ...
Christian's user avatar
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