Questions tagged [religious-texts]

texts which various religious traditions consider to be sacred, or central to their religious tradition.

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Was the Pentateuch dated back to the second millenium B.C.E?

This source claims, and walks through proof, that the 5 Books of Moses (Pentateuch) date all the way back to at least the era of Joshua ~1200 years B.C.E. Is this really true?
AAM111's user avatar
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Is the Old Testament based on Bronze-Age myths?

Lately I have been reading a lot about the origins biblical stories, and I have noticed that a lot of people mock the bible and the christians by telling them that they follow bronze age myths/beliefs....
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-4 votes
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Do Jews mostly descend from Shem, son of Noah?

I mean, I am not exactly a creationist. However, How come we have a race called "semite" as in anti-semite? It's as if people think that those people are descendant ...
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-6 votes
3 answers

Are pet RFID chips (eg: "HomeAgain") capable of fulfilling Revelations 13:16-17?

Regardless of the veracity of the Christian bible in general, could the technology behind the microchips (RFID tags) implanted into pets--used to re-unite lost pets with their owners--be used to track ...
Chris Wenham's user avatar