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Questions tagged [race]

For questions about ethnicity. For questions about competitive racing, use the racing tag.

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Are Pathans the lost tribe of the Israel?

The Pathan people (also known as the Pasthun) is an ethnic group of around 50 million living scattered across the border between Pakistan and Afghanistan, and also Iran and India. Wikipedia explains:...
TheTechGuy's user avatar
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Are African-Americans more impatient than whites or Hispanics?

A 2017 paper written by five economists (Andreoni et al.) finds that Time preferences have been correlated with a range of life outcomes, yet little is known about their early development. We ...
days of love iff good genes's user avatar
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Did BGI genetically test Uyghurs in Xinjiang?

In July of last year the U.S. Commerce Department publicly accused subsidiaries of BGI (formerly Beijing Genomics Institute) of genetically testing Uyghurs in Xinjiang as part of a campaign of ...
Matthew Muñoz's user avatar
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Is activist Shaun King's biological father African-American?

This one is kind of messy. There is a pretty popular activist named Shaun King who is prominent in the Black Lives Matter movement, among other things. He has claimed and continues to claim that he ...
Andrew Whatever's user avatar