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If adjusted for IQ, do all races earn the same in the US?

In book The Global Bell Curve by Richard Lynn, there is the following table: Herrnstein and Murray addressed the problem of how far the lower socioeconomic status and earnings of blacks and Hispanics ...
user4951's user avatar
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Has lower IQ been linked to Racism? [duplicate]

This article claims that a study links lower IQ with conservatism and racism. It specifically claims that low IQ makes one more likely to be conservative which, in turn, makes one more likely to be ...
dsollen's user avatar
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Has the U.S. Army been conducting IQ tests on their recruits, unintentionally discovering a racial hierarchy of intelligence?

Dave Rubin's interview with Stefan Molyneux on race and IQ in this video talks about how the U.S. Army have been giving IQ tests for about 100 years to measure the intelligence of recruits and find ...
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Do Australian Aboriginal people have low intelligence and sexual control?

Margaret Sanger wrote in What Every Girl Should Know: Sexual Impulses--Part II New York Call 29 December 1912 and also in her 1916 What Every Girl Should Know at page 47 and a 1920 version and in ...
DavePhD's user avatar
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Does IQ testing show that blacks on average score worse than whites?

James Watson Nobel Prize winner for his discovery of the structure of DNA made the following claim in a 2007 Sunday Times interview: "[I am] inherently gloomy about the prospect of Africa” ...
user1873's user avatar
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Did this study on British pupil intelligence include all ethnic groups? The proportion of British Chinese achieving 5 or more good GCSEs stood at 70%, where it remained the highest out of all ethnic groups in the ...
Wen Li's user avatar
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Are mixed-blood children smarter than their non mixed-blood parents?

I have heard and read on the Internet the disputed claim that mixed blood* children are smarter than their (non-mixed blood) parents. The general idea of "hybrid vigour" is known as heterosis and ...
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