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Did black people commit 18 times more murders per capita than white people in 2021?

The picture below is posted on (a NSFW website) and seems to claim that in 2021, black people committed 18 times more murders per capita than White people? ages white male Murderers per 100,...
hanshenrik's user avatar
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What are the actual current total count and per capita count of interracial rape? [duplicate]

There are many pictures floating over the internet which says Black on White rape is so much more than White on Black rape. How true is this? Is this true even now? Source:
Optimus's user avatar
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"White people" crime? [duplicate]

In US popular culture, it's often asserted that white people are more prone to commit certain types of crime that are "crazy", such as serial murder, child abduction, mass shooting, etc. This is ...
ventsyv's user avatar
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Are African Americans victims of a disproportionate number of police killings?

Many people are currently arguing that African Americans are being killed by police disproportionately to their percentage of the US population. An example of the claim is given at Mapping Police ...
dsollen's user avatar
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Are black Americans responsible for more than 50% of homicides?

I have read comments and articles (an example) that claim that African-Americans are responsible for more than 50% of all homicides in the United States of America. How credible is this claim?
Sakib Arifin's user avatar
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Are white people more likely to commit mass murder in the United States?

There have been several claims in the media that white men are more likely to commit mass murders. I've seen rather strong evidence that the vast majority of these crimes are committed by men, so I ...
Casebash's user avatar
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In the USA, are there more African American men in prison than in college?

I read in a book that "as the next millennium begins, there are more young black men in prison than in college." Jury Nullification by Clay S Conrad (Kindle edition, Dec 2013 loc: 343). (First ...
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