Questions tagged [lawsuits]

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12 votes
3 answers

Did the US government claim that it has the right to control "cognitive infrastructure", i.e. thoughts?

A 8 July 2023 tweet contained a snippet of an America This Week vodcast, with author Walter Kirn: Kirn: The thing that stunned me the most was the Government's contention repeated in the ruling that ...
fgysin's user avatar
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14 votes
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Has anyone ever been found either criminally or civilly liable for giving advice on a forum for plumbing/electrical/hvac/other?

I've seen on several forums (and/or members thereof) around trades where they say they don't give advice to non-pros because they're afraid the amateur will do it wrong and they'll be found liable. ...
Dean MacGregor's user avatar
16 votes
1 answer

Did the CDC lose a Federal Lawsuit to produce evidence that vaccines do not cause Autism?

In a recent article[1] published by the Informed Consent Action Network (ICAN), ICAN claims that the Center for Disease Control (CDC) has lost[2] a Federal Lawsuit (brought forward by ICAN) calling ...
Möoz's user avatar
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10 votes
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Did two brothers steal credit card information worth millions and walked away scot-free because banks were embarrassed?

In this DEFCON talk at around 24:52 minute mark, the speaker (a Cambridge professor) tells a story of two brothers stealing millions of dollars using a weakness in credit card terminal technology, and ...
Xyzk's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

Has Congress's Office of Compliance secretly settled sexual harassment lawsuits?

Info Wars host, Mike Cernovich claims, via a recent petition that Congress has sealed settled sexual harassment lawsuits from the public record? What if I told you that Congressmen settled ...
Evan Carroll's user avatar
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15 votes
1 answer

Has Disney sued itself and won?

In this video Deadmau5 claims that: There are parts of Disney that actually sue other parts of Disney, and win. Is this true and what are the details of these court cases?
HEGX64's user avatar
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Did a man in France sue his employer because he was bored at work?

According to this article, a man from France sued his employer for $400,000 because he was bored at work. The article also states: He was later fired after a car crash caused him to go on ...
Grasper's user avatar
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17 votes
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Did Ivana Trump claim under oath that she had been raped by Donald Trump?

The New Yorker article "Documenting Trump's Abuse of Women" (24 October 2016) recounts Trump biographer Harry Hurt III's claim that Ivana Trump said in a sworn deposition she had been raped ...
A E's user avatar
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23 votes
2 answers

Did Ed Trice force the rescoring of a national standardized math test?

"What's the largest number you can represent with 3 digits? Nope. It's not 999." is the title of a LinkedIn blog post by Ed Trice of Lightning Cloud Computing. Since its publication on 16 ...
Psychonaut's user avatar
6 votes
0 answers

Did Apple help the Chinese government unlock thousands of iPhones? [closed]

The BBC and Ars Technica, amongst other sources, have reported regarding the FBI's latest filing in the FBI vs. Apple case regarding government-mandated unlocking of the phone owned by the San ...
March Ho's user avatar
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22 votes
1 answer

Did a man sue himself and win?

According to this article and this post a man hit himself with a boomerang and then proceeded to sue himself. A Kentucky man who threw a boomerang that flew back and hit him on the head has sued ...
Thijser's user avatar
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7 votes
2 answers

Did Spam sue a 'popular email service' in the early days of the internet?

I seem to clearly remember hearing many years ago that Spam () sued Microsoft (or AOL, or another popular email service at the time) for using the word 'spam' to refer to junk email. They said it was ...
Danny Beckett's user avatar
3 votes
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Have there been US legal cases where CPR patients sued their savior? [closed]

Potential first-aiders can be afraid to adminster CPR, over fear of being sued for damages (ref 1, ref 2 "many people are put off [..] for fear of [..] getting sued"). Have there been such cases of ...
Wilfred Hughes's user avatar
9 votes
1 answer

Does giving legal advice make you liable?

There is the often cited claim on the internet that giving legal advice will make you liable for damages. Didn't previously quote an actual claim, but one of the answers is such a perfect example that ...
David Mulder's user avatar
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2 answers

Does the Westboro Baptist Church get most of their funding from lawsuits?

The Westboro Baptist Church is notorious for picketing things like funerals and they generate a lot of attention by doing so. A common trend in discussions about the church goes something like: ...
MrHen's user avatar
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