Questions tagged [iraq]

for questions about claims based in Iraq, or limited in Iraq.

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24 votes
2 answers

Did Iraq have the use of electricity 5000 years ago?

I came across this tweet of which I'm skeptical. So, I ask: Had Iraq use of electricity 5000 years ago?
Carlo Alterego's user avatar
21 votes
3 answers

Is ISIS beheading children in Mosul, Iraq?

On the Gateway Pundit, this claim by Chaldean-American businessman Mark Arabo is posted: “There is a park in Mosul, where [ISIS] they actually beheaded children and put their heads on a stick and ...
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15 votes
2 answers

Is the the "civilian casualty ratio" in modern day warfare about 3-4:1?

This site claims that, in modern warfare, about 3 civilians are killed for every combatant killed. This concept can be scientifically proven by understand (sic) the basic concept of “civilian ...
Publius's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

What is the correct version of Iraq's prime minister Nuri al-Said's quote?

Benny Morris claims: Already before the war, Iraq’s prime minister had warned British diplomats that if the United Nations decided on a solution to the Palestine problem that was not “satisfactory” ...
Ona's user avatar
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