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-2 votes
1 answer

Is The Bell Curve really refuted? [closed]

The Bell Curve is a controversial book about IQ and, in a broad sense of the expression, success in life from 1994. In this Wikipedia article, in the ...
17 votes
1 answer

Is intelligence declining due to the lack of selection pressure?

I have read lately that human intelligence has already peaked and that it will slowly decline over time because humans are no longer naturally selected for intelligence (Darwin award winners aside). ...
28 votes
2 answers

Are Ashkenazi Jews smarter?

I just received an email entitled "Why are Jews So Smart". You can read an article here. I also found a similar article in New York Magazine. Did Jewish intelligence evolve in tandem with Jewish ...
26 votes
1 answer

Do the mother's genes almost exclusively determine the sons' intelligence?

According to this paper: Intelligence and the X chromosome by Gillian Turner, published by The Lancet (a highly regarded medical journal) in 1996, the X chromosome is dominantly responsible for coding ...
4 votes
0 answers

Is 80% of childs intelligence acquired from mother? [duplicate]

Several articles on internet claim that 80% of child's intelligence is acquired from mother. however not providing any scientific publications. Is it really true? source:
5 votes
0 answers

Is approximately 80% of a child's intelligence acquired from the mother? [duplicate]

Uberfacts, a Twitter account with 9.43M followers claims that 80% of a child's intelligence is acquired from the mother. How true is this? Gizmodo doesn't do a very good job of debunking this: ...
43 votes
2 answers

Is IQ hereditary? If so, to what degree?

The movie Idiocracy suggests that intelligence is hereditary; this idea has also been perpetrated by German author Thilo Sarrazin, who claims that due to the higher fertility of Islamic immigrants and ...
8 votes
3 answers

Can one be naturally better at computers than English or Maths?

I think everybody heard this claim, and its opposite, a million times. Students or teachers commonly speak about having talents for a particular subject or another. The subject is debated, for example,...