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10 votes
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Are antibacterial soaps better than plain soap and water?

“Consumers may think antibacterial washes are more effective at preventing the spread of germs, but we have no scientific evidence that they are any better than plain soap and water,” said Janet ...
GEdgar's user avatar
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7 votes
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Is brushing your teeth after vomiting dangerous for your teeth?

There's a claim (Day9 / Centre for Clinical Interventions) out there that goes: Don’t brush your teeth immediately after vomiting. While the teeth are covered in stomach acids, the vigorous action ...
npst's user avatar
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14 votes
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Was Ignaz Semmelweis ignored by the medical community when he advocated hand washing?

Daniel Engber writes in Who Will Debunk The Debunkers?: Ignaz Semmelweis, the Hungarian physician who noticed in the 1840s that doctors were themselves the source of childbed fever in his hospital’s ...
Christian's user avatar
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1 vote
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Can microbes live on surfaces with less than 10% humidity?

I've seen it claimed that bacteria or viruses can't live on surfaces when the humidity is less than 10%. But I can't find any credible source for this. The earliest source I can find is Popular ...
AtomicAcorn's user avatar
2 votes
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No Wipe Poo - Possible? [closed]

I read an article that says scientists have developed a pill that will make this possible, you take one pill with every meal and you'll no longer need to wipe after a bowel movement. This new ...
Drahcir's user avatar
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17 votes
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Does a lack of hand-washing by health-care workers cause 100,000 deaths per year in the USA?

Tweet by PostSecret, with 203 retweets and 85 favorites: 100,000 deaths in the US alone could be avoided each year if health care workers washed their hands more, according to the CDC. Do 100,...
Golden Cuy's user avatar
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9 votes
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Do students on paediatrics rotations get sick a lot?

From 3rd years get sick on peds alot. Peds or EM during the winter months pretty much maximizes your odds of getting something. Do students ...
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14 votes
3 answers

Does alcohol-free "essential oil" mouthwash kill bacteria in your mouth?

Case in point: No other alcohol-free mouthwash has been proven more effective at killing bad breath germs. Contains signature 4 Essential Oils found in LISTERINE® Antiseptic for bad breath ...
Max's user avatar
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68 votes
2 answers

Do we need to brush our teeth?

While everyone is telling us that we should brush our teeth twice a day, the human species has evolved for several million years without any teeth brushing. Apes don't brush their teeth, and they don'...
SIMEL's user avatar
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14 votes
1 answer

Does the miswak help with digestion, eyesight, headache, memory or illness?

The miswak is a traditional Middle-Eastern toothbrush (so to speak) make from a twig of a particular branch, that is claimed to be especially effective. The dental efficacy has been studied, but ...
Marc Gravell's user avatar
24 votes
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Do I need to wash my hands after using the bathroom?

Source Is hand-washing after urination and defecation merely a product of social norms, or is there a health-related reason that we wash our hands after going to the bathroom? Or is there some other ...
Cory Klein's user avatar
6 votes
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Does "Thieves oil" kill bacteria and boost the immune system?

Thieves essential oil is supposed to help keep you from getting sick by killing germs. Packed with powerful, germ-killing essential oils, the Thieves line helps eliminate airborne bacteria and ...
daviesgeek's user avatar
18 votes
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Does putting warm food in the refrigerator make it more likely to give you food poisoning than letting it cool off first and then refrigerating it?

My boss was arguing that this is true and that it's a well known fact amongst culinary professionals that you should never put hot food in the refrigerator (he used to be a baker and had restaurants ...
Kit Sunde's user avatar
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8 votes
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Coca-cola and open water swimming

I've heard it claimed that Coke helps prevent infections. The Independent Some open-water swimmers drink Coke after racing, both for the sugar rush and because it is said to neutralise harmful ...
Dave Hillier's user avatar
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Is using saliva as a dive mask defogger dangerous?

When diving, you can use saliva or commercial defog to prevent your mask from fogging. However, according to WikiHow, bacteria in saliva are potentially harmful to your eyes. Beware of using spit - ...
Jivlain's user avatar
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41 votes
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Do hand sanitizers have a negative impact on the human immune system?

Related: Which is more effective at removing germs, washing with soap and water or using hand sanitizers? Does regular handwashing with antibacterial soap prevent disease? I've run across some ...
Hendy's user avatar
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18 votes
3 answers

Is vinegar & baking soda an effective agent for disinfecting bacteria and mold?

I've seen a lot of references on the Internet stating that vinegar mixed with baking soda is an effective way to disinfect mold, bacteria, etc. I'm skeptical that it has a significant effect because ...
Brian M. Hunt's user avatar
38 votes
3 answers

Do we need to clean our ears (remove earwax)?

Last year, I read on a newspaper that a research found that we do not need, or should not, clean our ears as the earwax comes out naturally and sticking in cotton swabs can damage our ears. Is my ...
Oxwivi's user avatar
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Do expensive electronic toothbrushes outperform cheaper models?

There are a variety of different electronic toothbrushes on the market. If you ignore features like a timer that tells you when you have brushed the planned time, is there a measurable difference in ...
Christian's user avatar
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29 votes
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Does wearing headphones for long periods increase dangerous bacteria in your ear?

I have heard this many times, sometimes worded as such: Wearing headphones for just an hour will increase the bacteria in your ears by 700 times I'm wondering, is this true and, if so, does it ...
Aamir's user avatar
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69 votes
3 answers

Is food still safe to eat within 5 seconds after being dropped on the floor (5 second rule)?

Today in the cafeteria my friend dropped a chicken wing on the floor and immediately picked it up and ate it. Afterward he claimed that the chicken wing was still safe to eat if it was consumed within ...
James's user avatar
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13 votes
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Is it good to be germaphobic?

I have a friend (the same guy that believes calcium in water is bad for you) who is germaphobic. That is, he will avoid germs at any expense. For example, kitchen surfaces will be pristine, using some ...
Thomas O's user avatar
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44 votes
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Are many allergies caused by too much hygiene?

One hears it once in a while that many allergies are due to people overly concerned with hygiene. The rationale is that growing up in a near-sterile environment will leave your immune system confused ...
Lagerbaer's user avatar
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