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Questions tagged [human-reproduction]

Any form of sexual reproduction resulting in the conception of a child.

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23 votes
1 answer

Does using a laptop on your lap lower your sperm count?

It is sometimes claimed that using a laptop on or in proximity of testicles can result in a lower sperm count. This article claims: Can a laptop computer really affect a man’s ability to ...
eat_a_lemon's user avatar
17 votes
2 answers

Are sperm counts in men decreasing significantly?

It is widely believed that sperm counts in men are suffering a significant decline over the last century (e.g. see this article in the Independent which assumes the decline is happening and the only ...
matt_black's user avatar
  • 56.7k
22 votes
1 answer

Can switching from briefs to boxer shorts improve your fertility?

The advice to wear boxer shorts instead of briefs seems reasonable at first glance, since for testes to produce sufficient quality and quantity of sperm, the temperature of testes must be lower ...
Oliver_C's user avatar
  • 48.1k
15 votes
1 answer

Do sperm that carry male chromosomes swim faster?

The claim is that human sperm has different physical characteristics (i.e. phenotype) depending on whether it is carrying an X or Y chromosome. One theory is that sperm that carry the male ...
Oddthinking's user avatar
  • 145k
18 votes
2 answers

Can a single sperm travel alone to an egg and fertilize it?

WebMD writes in its Sperm FAQ: It takes just one sperm to fertilize an egg and achieve a pregnancy, but for each sperm that reaches and fertilizes an egg, there are millions that don't. Parenting....
Christian's user avatar
  • 34k
15 votes
2 answers

Does riding a bicycle reduce sperm count/male fertility?

Related Does using a laptop on your lap lower your sperm count? Can switching from briefs to boxer shorts improve your fertility? I've heard that riding a bicycle, especially for extended periods of ...
Hendy's user avatar
  • 21.8k
14 votes
0 answers

Do excreted oral contraceptive compounds in drinking water contribute to male infertility?

I've run across several claims about oral contraceptives ("the pill") and how the residuals that enter municipal water supplies via urination cannot be filtered out and may have detrimental ...
Hendy's user avatar
  • 21.8k